
Adventist Church is not vegetarianism in confession of faith but a very large number believers of this church are vegetarians according to the recommendations of Ellen White.

Vegetarianism is not an invention of our time, it is known for thousands of years, especially for religion East. At the beginning I want to say my position on this issue. I am a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, especially clean and unclean foods. for many years I was a vegetarian. but deliberately I walk up to the pros and cons and here are my conclusions:

The veggie you could be the reasons, religious, health or humanitarian grounds. I particularly interested in biblical look at this issue, About vegetarianism has accumulated a lot of myths. I try to explain

Myth 1.
Vegetarianism makes such a man is gentler, has a better character

This is not true vegetarians were the greatest despots in the world, does not change the way of thinking does not make that person does not lie, it is not lusty, not greedy, less anger. Vegetarians rely on it that before the flood, people do not eat meat, so when Cain killed Abel and the cause was jealousy and hatred. his vegetarianism did not help him it has not changed him.

The most famous vegetarian in Poland is a politician and MP Janusz Palikot, someone wrote in a commentary. "I do not know why, Palikot is to be among the most famous of meatless diet? And what will die healthier? Palikot is more known for his vulgar and aggressive statements and this is the most famous.
Myth 2
Vegetarians are healthy people from other

Not entirely true, vegetarians are not immune to viruses and colds, suffer from the same diseases as the rest, you know that If other people drink, smoke or Drug themselves, in which case a vegetarian actually live longer.
  Medically, such people what they eat chicken or goose, there are not more sick than those who did not eat. / if chicken was not fed chemicals /

Myth 3
Vegetarianism is biblical.

The Bible nowhere encourages vegetarianism. Every Israelite had to eat meat, it was an order from God, at every Passover Israelite necessarily have to eat the paschal lamb meat.

Myth 4
Before the flood, people do not eat meat

This argument occurs most frequently, but the Bible does not have the text, that the people before the flood did not eat meat, only text what it is saying to Noah that "give you meat for food," which suggests as if he has not eaten meat, but this text says that God now gives the meat Noah. the reason is one, when the flood waters were abated there was no plants or vegetables or fruit, so what Noah had to eat? He had only meat of animals from the ark. Since vegetarianism is healthier that's what God would change for the worse diet, less healthy and can continue to eat vegetables. God changed from necessity, not from the termination of vegetarianism.
 Now a small inconvenience for the Adventist vegetarians E.White wrote that the people before the flood they were eating meat, so Adventist or deny Ellen White or you lose your only argument for biblical support of vegetarianism.

"Polygamy began relatively early, despite order decided by God in the beginning. The Lord gave Adam one wife, and clearly

He announced its willingness in this regard. However, after the fall of the people they have decided to follow their own sinful desires, resulting in crime and wickedness spread rapidly. They not respected bond of marriage or ownership.

Who wanted a wife or goods of his neighbor, took them by force, and people indulged in cruelty. To answer the pleasure of living animals and eating meat made them even more cruel and bloodthirsty, until they began to treat human life with equally terrifying indifference.

World existed briefly, but crime has become so big and widespread that God has already

He could no longer stand it and said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth" Genesis. 6.7 "

Patriarchs and Prophets p. 52 E.White year wyd.1999

The Bible says that in the time of Old Testament for Nehemiah meat was the staple diet Neh. 5.18

(18): Every day one ox, six select sheep, and some birds were prepared for me, and every ten days all kinds of wine in abundance. Despite all this I did not require the food allotted to the governor, for the work was demanding on this people.

Myth 5
A vegan diet is the healthiest

There is no scientific evidence that eating cheese, eggs or drink milk is a health risk, of course, if it is not a diet extreme, how one eats only apples that get vitamin deficiency, or only the cheese, but in a normal varied diet there is no evidence that dairy harm health.

The Bible says prophecy about Jesus in Izaj.7,15 "eat cream and honey shall he eat" and these are of animal origin

Health reform includes a whole, and it is a wide range and also applies to mental health, stress, physical movement, because just not eating meat can not be anything if one eats cake cream that are worse than meat or drink colored drinks created at the same chemistry

Myth 6
Animal flesh is harmful

There is no scientific evidence that eating meat from animals clean is harmful, that there is something harmful in mutton, chickens, goose or fish, skipping is that livestock from farms are fed hormones and antibiotics, but I'm talking about pure meat which recommends the Bible.
The Israelites generations did not eat the meat of animals unclean, and yet Jesus healed from dozens of different diseases, not eating unclean meats did not protect them from diseases.

Clean and unclean meat with 3 Moj.11

Adventism says that health reasons God gave the list of clean and unclean animals and cites in this regard on the text of

(26): He said, "If you will diligently obey the LORD your God, and do what is right in his sight, and pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, then all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians I will not bring on you, for I, the LORD, am your healer."

But the text does not have any connection with a list of clean and unclean animals. what does this tell - of all the commandments, which is the whole law and not about foods, | If you follow my rights, "or all the provisions including both sacred, sacrifice, washing," does not affect you plague that fell on Egypt '/ translation. Polish Tysiąclecia Bible /

So is not eating PORK has an effect on it that does not touch us plague of flies, frogs, or hornets ?. Our healthy lifestyle does not protect against these plagues. God says that He is the protection and the doctor and not our diet.

Reason for clean and unclean

The only rationale there are in the end of the list of clean and unclean animals is holiness rather than health

(44): for I am the LORD your God and you are to sanctify yourselves and be holy because I am holy. You must not defile yourselves by any of the swarming things that creep on the ground

Holiness is a spiritual matter and not care. Likewise, animals identified as unclean was not allowed to make a sacrifice, and there is nothing to do with health. So let's look at it from the spiritual side. After the fall of man the world was divided into what is sacred and sinful, they are poisonous and medicinal plants, bacteria that help in digestion and damaging the body. animals clean and parasites. Demons have access to what impure, why would through unclean foods give access to our interior demons. It is certain also that if something is unclean and it is poisonous, everything that belongs to Satan it destroys. But the important thing here is that this list of animals is not given for reasons of health,

Myth 7
Vegetarians live about five years longer

And what does it matter that someone dies at the of 83 or 88 years old , and so they both have sclerosis, if it were that vegetarians are about 5 times wiser than the others it would be just an argument. But because of being a vegetarian wisdom does not come. This argument would make sense only for people who were born in the house Advent and lifelong the person did not eat the meat, then one could compare the life expectancy meat eaters and non-eaters. But most are people who came to Adventism at the age of approx. 30, 40 or 50 years old they all have their lives destroyed health, so their life does not matter. Currently, lay persons aged 80 or 90 years old eat meat and there is no impact on their life expectancy.

The Bible does not endorse or humanitarianism or that in times bibliinych animals had to be slaughtered for sacrificial, and it was order from God