Adventism and the Ottoman Empire

The purpose of this study is not an attack on the Adventists or desire to show them that I am right, this is a cool approach to the study in the context of the Bible and history. Every reader wonders whether the author is his enemy or friend, or sometimes do not want him to take valuable science Advent, do not worry I am looking for facts and not their own pride and religious war. For me personally Biblical chronology is not any basis for faith, but a curiosity, there is no salvation for this that the calculation date which confirm the events in the Bible. Christ gives salvation and the struggle is with sin, and it will have an impact on the court and not what you knew about some date in the history, knowledge does not give salvation. What also does not mean that we must not deal with it. The knowledge gained in school history and archeology, physics, but it is useful if we can use it in everyday life or remain empty information. Knowledge of 1840 is therefore relevant only as curiosities.

Adventists still refer to prophecy of Revelation chapter 9 as the fulfillment of prophecies Ottoman Empire. The figures quoted in Obj.9.5.15 to indicate the time of the reign of the Ottoman Empire.

Rev 9,5.15
And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
Adventism calculates the figures for those years "day for a year" based on texts from the Book of Ezekiel and 40 years of Israel's wandering in the wilderness or 40 years for 40 days of spying. God said to the prophet:

Ezech 4,6 "After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of Judah. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year. [The New International Version US, 

You should ask the question. Is God authorizes us through the trek of Israel through the desert to convert all the prophecies of the Bible the same way? This method was used in the book of Revelation and Daniel. Not applied to some prophecies of these books. And so in 1000 years in Rev. 20 is interpreted as a literal "one thousand years" and it is not change "a day for the year". Seven years that passed over the king of Babylon from Dan.4 is taken literally.. Those who explained prophecy Dan. and Rev. did it without a scratch, because that they liked it and not based on some revelation from God. So all who accept the conversion day for a year and 1000 years as a literal date, do it because they have been taught and so believe in it and not based on any revellation or God's command

Now we come to the Adventist interpretation of Obj.9 which is indicative of the Ottoman Empire and the conversion of these five months, one year, month and day intended to indicate a time reign and fall of the Ottoman Empire. The creator of the conversion for the years became a preacher Litch Josjah of W.Millera movement. Which in 1838 he predicted that the fall of the Empire is to take place in 1840 year. 1840 has passed and the Ottoman Empire not collapsed, but did not withdraw his interpretation, but looked for confirmation in the events of 1840. Before we look at the history of this period, let's look at how Litch made calculations and their results described in the book "CHRIST'S SECOND COMING" to J. Litch, published by DH Ela, Boston,

360 + 30 + 1 = 391 years - /Obj.9,15/ and add five months that is 150 years from Obj.9,5 = 541 years and that "five months" in advance so there is an earlier period or since the establishment of the Ottomans in 1299 add 150 = 1449 could not be calculated for the day. The above calculation does not give the day or month. Advent Fama says Litch 1229 y. calculated on August 11 based on Obj.9 for one day. This is not true, three months later after the events it was he wrote abaut August 11. Between Litch and Miller there was no agreement as to the creation of the Ottomans. Miller was a supporter of the beginning of the Ottomans in 1228 and Litch 1229 y. 150 years from the date 27.VII.1229r. to 11 August 1840 is 541 years and 15 days but not based on the history from which it would follow that the beginning of the Ottomans was July 27, 1229 but after take away 15 days and came to him on July 27. The history of the beginning of the Ottoman state does not give the exact date of their creation.

But we go back to the beginning. From 1299 years + 150 years = 1449. This year he did not bring anything. Only a few years later, the last ruler of Constantinople, which abdicated in 1453. Date January 6 - Constantine XI was crowned in Mistra on the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire. With the permission of the Sultan so it took Litch as a breakthrough. It was more of a political ploy to gain the power to the Ottomans did not attack Constantinople siege which began a year earlier, if the emperor has served the Sultan would not be fighting for the town in 1453. The Ottoman Empire did not pass any change in 1449 years
"In the year 1448. Mehmed II began his reign with the preparation for the siege of Constantinople, who eventually won the May 29, 1453 and" Empire of the Ottomans covered the succession of the Byzantine empire " - Wikipedia
Ottoman History

Muhammad Ali was the governor of Egypt in the Ottoman Empire and declared its independence. Tender and rebellions within the Ottoman state existed for a hundred years. Since losing battle after Vienna, the Ottomans did not obtain any strength. The collapse of military and internal rebellions lasted ever since Sobieski until the end of the Empire in 1922.

"After the conquest by the Turks. Syria is divided into wilajety. Damascus, Aleppo and Tripoli. In 1660 separated Wilayah Sidon. In the eighteenth century pasha individual wilajets gradually began to gain more power, rolling in constant battle with each other about the lands. In 1775, Ahmad feed Jezzar Pasha took the entire southern and central Syria. After his death in 1804 complete anarchy reigned. In 1831, Syrian troops occupied the feed of Egypt Muhammad Ali, but due to pressure from the European powers Egypt had to ask Syria to Turkey in 1841. "Wikipedia
"In 1838 Muhammad demanded that European countries guarantees for hereditary throne, and the recognition of the Syrian reforms. He then stopped paying tribute to the sultan. Armed Forces of the two countries conducted a captive and tended towards its borders "Wikipedia

In 1841, the European diplomacy won the tender and Egypt and Syria have returned under the rule of Sultan Such a situation recognized Litch for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the European countries decided by the Sultan and he was so weak that he had to accept the ultimatum. But the ultimatum was not for the sultan but for managers of Egypt Ali in 11 August 1840, It Ali not Sultan received the letter that back under the rule of the Ottomans. It may still be the land of Egypt but under the rule of the sultan and has to pay him 25% per annum on income and pay the Sultan fleet. He must accept the conditions of the sultan, he won only inherited the throne in Egypt.

Is this the fall of the Ottoman sultan and power? Lich put it this way. The Sultan took advantage of help European countries to consolidate his power and regain territories. These types of exploitation of other countries in order to strengthen its position has been used for centuries. Every wise leader would do the same. Poland uses the help of Western countries / European finance / Does it mean the collapse of Polish. Rather build the country. The leaders of almost all countries in the world eager to enjoy the support of Western countries, not only financially but also militarily. Does the aid Ottomans it was their downfall or rather to strengthen? Litch he described it as a collapse. Let's look at exactly this period of history.
"The Turkish army in 1839 exceeded the limit Euphrates. In both armies occurred, however, to desert en masse. The Turks did not carry out orders Syrian command. The Egyptian army began to reign hunger, local incitement by the Turks impede the activities of the Egyptian army. June 24 there was a battle of Nisibis, where the Sultan troops suffered a crushing defeat. July 10th Sultan Mahmud II died. July 14 Turkish fleet and contributed to Alexandria surrendered to the Egyptians. Sultan was Abdülmecid I. Muhammad Ibrahim ordered to cease operations. The Sultan in his letter offered room and gave Muhammad inherited power in Egypt. Pasha rejected the deal, demanding that Syria, Arabia, Crete and parts of Anatolia. Istanbul would be willing to go further concessions when, at the end of August the United Kingdom, Austria, France, Prussia and Russia in a note to the Sultan revealed a desire to blend into conflict. The British managed to pull Russia cooperation across the European group.

All countries, except the pro-feed of France, wanted to force the Muhammad devotion hereditary territories with the exception of Egypt and Akki, which was to be transferred to forage for life. In the case of non-compliance with orders Powers Muhammad was to be overthrown. Pasha flatly rejected the request. There was a blockade of Beirut. 85 000 Egyptians have been cut off from the motherland. At the end of 1840 years allies occupied almost the entire Syria. Ibrahim / son Allego / withdrew from huge losses.
Muhammad was forced to accept the decision of the Sultan of Egypt inherited only according to seniority, the army was reduced to 18 000 people, was incorporated into the fleet of the Ottoman fleet, tribute was to equal 25% of the income of feed. "Wikipedia

As you can see from the above passage that Europe has helped to maintain the power of the Ottoman Empire and not to its collapse, after 1841, Ali Muhammad got a mental illness died in 1849. Help Europe meant that they had an impact on the Sultan and politics but not in terms of subordination or the liquidation of the Ottoman Empire. London Convention 1841 supported the Ottomans recognizing their ancient laws and whether it can be regarded as the fall of the Ottomans? on the contrary
London Convention - signed July 13, 1841, the Convention signed by the representatives of Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Austria, France and Turkey.


The Convention had it that gathered at a conference in London superpowers unanimously, by a formal act recognized under the old law of the Ottoman Empire, the passage of foreign warships through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits as prohibited.

So that the Ottomans have independent, full rights of maritime and decide themselves who will benefit from their waters. The next years have not seen the collapse of the Ottomans but not their political cooperation with the West and so Sultan Abd ul Aziz was the first in the history of this country that held political visit to France and Britain. In 1895. Hamid II lost the war in the Balkans but won the war with Greece.

Quote of the encyclopedia
"Bulgarian uprising in 1876. Led to a new war with Russia in 1877-78r. Under the terms of the Congress of Berlin in 1878, the Ottomans lost almost all possessions in the Balkans and in Tunis and Egypt. In 1908 młodoturcy, or battle group of nationalists came to power, he retained until 1918. Italy used the crisis of the Ottomans to occupy Libya and Trypolitanię in 1911-1912. The Balkan countries Ottomans removed from Albania and Macedonia in 1912-1913. In 1914 he joined the Ottoman Empire entered World War I on the side of Germany. As a result of this war lost Syria, Mesopotamia and normal supremacy over Egypt and Kuwait.
By the end of 1918 years it was clear that the State Central will be defeated. October 30 the Ottomans agreed to a ceasefire. The victorious Entente divided what was left of the empire - the British, French and Italians usurped North Africa, Egypt and the Middle East, as well as part of Asia Minor. Other regions, for which no European power had no desire were divided into new, independent states. Ottomans was just Istanbul and a portion of Thrace.
Most plans, however, the Entente spełzło nothing, because in 1923 a brilliant Ottoman general Mustafa Kemal, who was later called "Ataturk" or "father of the Turks", united the greater part of Asia Minor in one country called Turkey. Thus, there was an end to the existence of a political organization known as the Ottoman Empire, 600 years after its founding. "Wikipedia

November 1, 1922, the Sultan left his country and died in exile in 1926. His flight ended the existence of the Empire, the new king introduced a new law and new country name on the European model.


Miller conversions for 2300 years and Litch for 541 years are differences. The first miscalculated day for a year after 365 days. if Litch after 360 days per year. If Miller counted 2300 years of 360 days a year is the end would be behind him because the whole 2300 would be shorter by approx. 30 years for approx. 1810. Not trafiłby in 1844 if Litch counted as Miller did not get to 1840 because it would be ok .5 years the debt. The only interpretation that has Adventism as to Obj.9 is based on the calculation of Litch that says about the collapse of the Ottoman Empire 11 August 1840 year.

On what basis Adventism says that the seven trumpets should be divided into seven periods of the history of Christianity ?, so there is no biblical or logical basis. So it been taken over after Litch calculated and Miller who, as we know passed the facts.

Since those times. previous next generation transmits the same interpretation, and we all accept this by faith, no one checks whether the precursors did it well and no-one dares to undermine the Adventist teachings, and yet they were the same people wandering like the rest of us. Faith must accept the infallibility of the Bible and not teaching /science/ precursors Adventist. Looking through the history of the Ottomans 1840 there is a breakthrough in general it is not considered as having any greater significance in the history of this country, and certainly not as the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

In some malignant written publications that Miller was a false prophet. I do not agree with this opinion. A false prophet is not this what was wrong. Mistakenly believed. This is a man who preaches specifically and knowingly false prophecies. For various reasons. Some for-profit others that they were seen. Miller was honest enough that later apologized to the people for putting them in error. Maybe there were some that he'll never forgive. The greater entrusting the greater the pain of disappointment. Many said, "after all, in the Bible it is written that day and hour no one knows the return. That will come as a thief in the night. On that nobody expected and does not know the day." but Milleryci were so fascinated by the calculation to 1844 they did not want to listen to proper biblical arguments. They do not listen to the Bible. E.White called those who were serving biblical arguments the opponents and owładniętymi spirits of devils. / DOS and spectator. Str.205 / Ellen admits that many of waiting was not converted. They were excited date of return. They were not born again child of God 

"Invincible power of evidence forced them to confess that they had taken the truth, but they were not converted, nor prepared for the coming of their Lord"
Experience and Vision. Polish edition Chapter Two. "The message Angel" page 205

Why Jesus and Holy Spiryt did not give date of the end of the world in the Bible? God depends on a modified heart. Not euphoric expectations. to only understanding was convinced. I do not think it was God's will that anyone marked the date of Jesus' return. Always leads to intellectual expectations and no change human hearts. Pending the date is not seeking a life of holiness. not divine revelation but is expected date. Exceeds expectations euphoria search of spirituality. Spirituality is not in the Biblical knowledge and intellectual conviction by calculation. But in contact with the living God. The knowledge will help lead to spirituality. Adventist pastors knowledge of biblical call spirituality.