Chronology of W. Miller Movement

Chronology Adventists

For those uninformed about the Adventist Church's teachings about 1844 year. I can explain that the chronology is in the credo of this denomination and is one of the most important truths for Adventist / abbreviated ADS /

Catechumen will not be baptized in the Church and after baptism many persons were removed from the church because they couldn't agree of the theory of about 1844 . How were calculated? W.Miller in the United States in the nineteenth century studied the prophecies of Daniel and made the following calculations .



 Daniel 8:13-14 kjv “Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” . 


 What these texts say? The sacrifices, the desecration of the temple and the trampling of lovely land. Miller counted the 2,300 days as literal years accordance with our modern calendar, and received a result 457 p.n.e. + 2300 lat = 1843/44 n.e . In 1844. It expected return of Jesus to earth and God's judgment, but time has passed and Jesus did not return did not take place on that day the court and after the disappointment associated Seventh-day Adventists changed their theory. The new theory which says that in 1844. events took place in heaven. In heaven there is a temple, and Jesus passed from the holy place to the Holy of Holies through the veil and began the judgment of God is the first period that will last until the return of Jesus. .



 Look again at the text because it was the basis for Miller. Dan.8,13-14 say about trampling lovely land of desolation of the Temple and sacrifices but do the text say something about the second coming of Jesus and his passing from the holy place to the holiest?, Does it say whatever about the court? Oh no, ! You can see Daniel forgot wrote about it. But Miller did not forgot. They joined together two texts. One with 3 Moj.16 and second with Dan.8 . 3 Moj.16 10 say that in seven month in accordance with the lunar calendar every year was celebrated feast, day called: 


Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. On this day the high priest entered once a year beyond the veil into the holy of holies in order the atonement for the people, in this day followed remission of sins of the whole people, the composition of the special sacrifices of goats What festival show Israel judgment, of course, Yom Kippur, so if it will be in day 22.X.1844y. it have to be the return of Jesus. The error is in the fact that Yom Kippur was not a day of judgment, becouse the memorial is celebrated on the first day of the month and the first day of the new Jewish year and called Rosh Hashanah not in Yom Kippur .


 Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, the Feast of Trumpets (Heb. ראש השנה - the beginning of the year) - the first day of the Jewish calendar. Commemorates the creation of the world and reminds you of God's judgment. This festival is two days in Israel and in the Diaspora, and it opens a period of penance - High Holy Days, which is until Yom Kippur. On this day, the Jewish nation is in repentance before God, expecting forgiveness and mercy, while Satan presents evidence sins of Israel. At this time, God opens the books in which are stored all the deeds of man to spend on his judgment. . 


 Dn.8,13-14 texts say nothing about Jesus comming back about a veil in the temple in heaven, it shows that the prophet Daniel forgot to add it, but the Adventists did not forget. ADS likes to develop your own theory to the biblical texts. In Revelation 11.8 Great City called Sodom and Gomorrah it is Paris,in France and Obj.9,18 in which it is written "from these three plagues" there are not plagues but it is Ottoman power. 


 Dan.8,13-14 tells us nothing about the court, but if it was judgemant . Miller admitted his mistake and apologized for putting people into error, ADS had to reject the return of Jesus in 1844 but left the court, even though there is no biblical basis for neither Dan.8,13-14 or 3Moj.16 do not tell. . ADS sites from a letter Peter that judgment begins with the house of God . 4:17 kjv For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? .


 And of course Adventists they turned up that this judgment is in 1844 and it is the first phase of the court, you can see that Peter had forgotten about it in his letter. . We already know the events of 1844 and what was the beginning of the calculation of 2300 years ? And because it is difficult to discern in Daniel.8,13-14 any start date so Adventists joined another two chapters of Daniel 8 and 9 together. Because the roz.8 Daniel says he did not understand the prophecies so the angel again appeared to him to complete a previous vision. .


 Is that the Bible ? Between Chapter 8 and 9 years had passed and Chapter 9 prophet prays for the return of Israel from bondage and drew attention to the prophecy of Jeremiah about 70 years of Babylonian captivity angel who came to explain to Daniel tells him about the history of Israel in a symbolic seventies / 70 weeks / and not about history the world by the year 1844. Again ADS joined the chapters that do not have nothing in common . 


Angel give you an understanding of the prophecy of Jeremiah that Daniel studied and which prompted the prophet to fasting and prayer. Not because of 2300 but due to the time to return from the Babylonian captivity . Other Churches The prophecy of Daniel 8,13-14 is translated in other churches including the Catholic Church also desecrated the Temple by Antiochus IV Epiphanes which consisted of a pig on the altar in Jerusalem , trampling the time of his lovely earth lasted seven years from 170 to 164 BC So 2,300 days per year there are 7 years old at the desecration of the temple itself lasted 3.5 years , some churches share the 2300 evenings and mornings in half , because the evening and the morning creates a single day goes 1,150 days or 3.5 years. . 


Miller It is difficult to discern the logic in the theory of Adventism. The sacrifice of a goat to appease the people was made on Calvary. Events take place every year on Yom Kippur. If it points to Golgotha it does not point in year 1844. Adventism admits that the goat sacrificed in the Yom Kippur is a symbol of Christ on Calvary. At the time of Miller was theory that earth is the sanctuary, so cleansing of the sanctuary was understood as cleansing the earth of sinners. 


And if the festival does that say about Golgotha so it is a representation of judgment upon sin and not the final judgment and the return of Jesus . Dates Yom Kippur Miller calculated that Yom Kippur in 1844 will be on 22.X. Yom Kippur began with the evening 22/23. but in September, it was not in October. And every year on the Jewish calendar holidays and the end of the year falls on a different day in our calendar. We can not move the dates of such holidays. 1843 to 1844 because the following year the holidays will fall already on different dates. The date 22.X.1844 does not fit into the Jewish holidays or the end of the year. . Dates for 1843 4 X Yom Kippur 25 IX. Rosh Hashanah / New Year's Day, the day of judgment / Dates to 1844 23.IX Yom Kippur 14.IX Rosh Hashanah / New Year's Day, the day of judgment 28.IX Feast of Tabernacles 10.X. The end of the month Yom Kippur Katan .

 Now look on the Jewish calendar You will find it on the website (look footnotes 1)

Calendar for year 1843
4 X. Jom Kippur
25 IX. Rosz Ha-szana /New Year, Day of Judgment/ 

Calendar for year 1844
23.IX Jom Kippur


                                                             14.IX Rosz Ha-szana /New Year, Day of Judgment/                                          

                                                                         28.IX The Feast of Tabernacles  

                                                                 10.X. Jom Kippur Katan. /end of the month/

Hebrew Calendar for year 1844 



 The fact that fixed itself at its "whim". They waited from midnight to midnight, without taking into account neither the time zone between America and Israel, the, but Israeli calendar that tells about celebrate the day from sunset to sunset. So what happened on 22 October 1844 - Nothing! Because it is poorly calculated date, What does Adventism now, They argues that from that date began with the judgment of God - the first of its phase which will until the re-return of Jesus. In heaven Jesus passed from the holy place in the temple of the Holy of Holies. . Yom Kippur was in September 22, 1844 and the last day of the year was on the 14.IX.1844. 22 October 1844 nothing happened, it is empty date. Miller's people calculated based on the 22.X.1844 allegedly Karaickiego calendar, a spin-off Jewish Karaites, who issued an official statement for 1844 that at that time they celebrated Yom Kippur in October but not in September .


 Official Karaite documentation. /look footnotes 2/


/Day_of_Atonement_of_the_Karaite.htm . „Clearly in the time of Shlomoh ben Efedah Hacohen (c. 1860) all Karaites everywhere had for many years been using the 19 year Rabbinic cycle. Therefore, Yom Kippur must have been celebrated by the Karaites in late September 1844 in accordance with the 19 year Rabbinic cycle and not in late October 1844. While late September may or may not have been the correct month in which to celebrate Yom Kippur (only a crop report from that year would decide that issue) it was undoubtedly the month actually observed by Karaites everywhere. . 


That Yom Kippur 1844 was celebrated by the Karaites in September and not October is confirmed by a Karaite Tomb Stone inscription cited by Abraham Firkowitz in his book Avnei Zicharon (lit. Stones of Remembrance, published Vilna 1872).”


To read the full book go HERE [offsite]
To find the chart I selected the PDF and went to page 25. I have shown the chart below. The Day of Atonement in 1844 also called, Kippur (Yom Kippur) on the Jewish Calendar. The month is, Tisri 10 Monday and on the Gregorian Calendar it is Monday September 23, 1844.  /look footnotes 4/

Tisri 1, 2
Saturday, Sunday
New Years
September 14, 15
Tisri 3
September 16
Tisri 7
September 20
Tisri 8
September 21
Tisri 10
Yom Kippur
September 23
Tisri 15, 16
Saturday, Sunday
September 28, 29
Tisri 18
October 1
Tisri 21
Hosanna Raba at 5
October 4
Tisri 22, 23
Saturday, Sunday
Feast of the 8th day
October 5, 6
Tisri 29
October 12
Hes. 30, 1
Sunday, Monday
New Moon
October 13, 14
Hes. 5
Sabbath at 4 1/2
October 18
Hes. 6
October 19
Hes. 13
Lech Lecha
October 26
Hes. 19
Sabbath at 4
November 1
Hes. 20
November 2
Hes. 27
Haye Sarah
November 9



 Samuel Sheffield Snow made the calculations and handed it to the leaders and they trust that the calculations are correct. People believe in what serve leaders, and so it is today too, no one checks, passing generation, and no newly converted to Adventism does not occur to whether date of October 22 is correct each accepts this faith and forwards, no pastors of Seven Day Adventist know how to explain on what basis are calculated on October 22? Adventism is an unreconstructed church, because how can you show them the error they will you throw out from the church and the error they will not change. From the Church of excluded people who did not recognize the 1844. The chronology it has become a rule of faith. After the disappointment in 1844 Samuel Snow at every year announced a new date for the return of Jesus. . 


We calculated at the beginning of the return of Jesus in the spring of 1843 without a specific date. Why moved by one year ahead? From 1843 to 1844 because someone came to the conclusion that there is a zero year between the first year of BC and one of our era's just that this is another nonsense. Beginning in 2300 which is the year 457 BC Most dictionaries given that the decree of Artaxerxes was issued not 457 but 458 Israel in the first month and the first day of the month came from slavery, so the decree was not created on the exit day it mean that decree was issued one year back. I understand that we all make mistakes but you can look at on historic dates. 

Please see even the Encyclopedia /look footnotes 3/

DOCUMENT Calculations ( Julian years p.n.e.)
Year of King Egipt BabilonJulian years 1 Tot teor. 1 Tot prakt. 1 Nisan
15. Kserkses I 28 Pachons (IX) 18 Elul (VI) 11-12(12-13) września 471[1] 19ab grudnia 18/19(19/20) gru 471 31 mar – 1 kwi 471
21. Kserkses I 17 Tot (I) 18 Kislew (IX) (1-2)2-3 stycznia 464[2] 17ab grudnia (16/17)17/18 gru 465 23-24 kwietnia 465
6. Artakserkses I 21 Mesore (XII) 21 Kislew (IX) (29-30)30 lis – 1 gru 459[3] 16ab grudnia (14/15)15/16 gru 459 19-20 marca 459
9. Artakserkses I 4 Tot (I) 7 Kislew (IX) (12-13)13-14 grudnia 456[4] 15ab grudnia (9/10)10/11 gru 456 14-15 kwietnia 456


Here, given that six years reign of King Artaxerxes 459 falls a year or seven years of his reign was the year 458 and not 457 but for Advent it does not fit, because one year back eliminates 1844 year. so 458 + 1844 = 2302 Please see the death of the previous king Xerxes falls on the 465 and the first year of the reign of his son it was 464 BC seven years later it is 458 year. . Previous ruler Kserkses (485 p.n.e.- 465 B.C.) Artakserkses - King Persji (464 p.n.e.- 424 B.C.) Next ruler Kserkses II (424 B.C.) . Can you calculate based on the Book of Daniel 8, the date October 22 No! because even with Advent method. in computing per day for a year as does the Church ADS so it goes the full year, and it is impossible to pass the day. One year from the calculation above 2301 can donate whole months because there were 457 and in 1844 but the withdrawal of another year ie 458 fails to have 1844 hits also not the date of Jesus' death as determined by the ADS for 31 years. 


The next date of cult to Adventism is the year 31 BC what the date of Jesus' death and is based on the same calculations as Adventism combines 2,300 years of 490 years Dan.9 must therefore leave year 31 you would not agree to calculate the last week of Dan.9 or 3.5 years of Jesus' ministry and in the middle of the week abolishes the victim. Calculated from the date the decree of the king of Persia from 457 r. And it worked 69 weeks a year 27 + 3.5 years of Jesus' ministry gives 31 years But let's look at the calendar. Passover fall out on different days of the week and it is certain that Jesus died on the eve of Passover Now you must correctly calculate when Easter fell in the 31 years for which day of the week. Now the calendar is math, and movements of the sun and moon are fixed. The relevant calculations yield the correct result. . 


 On the basis of reliable and appropriate calendar of the Jewish Passover in 31 years he fell on a Tuesday March 25 means that the crucifixion would have to be on Monday some say that is a leap year that Passover was April 24 on Wednesday. In both cases too far to Sunday resurrection. Adventist need 31 year for chronology 70 weeks and 1844 years. /look footnotes 7/


In an article entitled " The unmasking of the false prophet ", published in the English edition of" Gift Truth "from February 4, 1915 say," If there's a clear indication useful in identifying false prophet, it is unbiblical practice to establish the exact date of the coming of the Lord. " This was written to condemn the "Pastor" CT Russell, who made the calculations after the "end times of the Gentiles" for the year 1914. However, if the wrong thing was to establish the date for 1914, why there was nothing wrong in setting such a date to 1844 ?! If such an action was incompatible with Scripture in one case, why not the other? " Quotation from the work Canrighta 

(look footnotes 6 and 7)

 Hebrew date converter

  • 15th of Nisan, 3791 = Tue, 25 March 0031   -   /look footnotes 5/

  •                        ט״ו בְּנִיסָן תשצ״א

5. Hebrew date converter  Convert dates between the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars
6. More about chronologi of SDA you can read
7. Between calendars point 1 and 5 there are different days of the month. about 2 days, but they have the same days of the week March. 27 Tuesday  and March 25 Tuesday