The prophecies about Adventism

Vision about Adventist
Before I became an Adventist, God gave me a vision. I saw an angel, his face was ugly. But he was turned towards the heaven.
It was an angel showing Adventism. It has a bad face their doctrines, but he is at the service for heaven

Urszula from Gdynia

A few years ago I met a sister Ursula she was Adventist. One day she asked the Lord Who are Adventists and what God can say about them ?. She received a vision in which she saw a narrow path that led to the cross, under it were men who seemed happy, loved God and enjoy His presence, I asked the Lord / she said Urszula / Are these Adventists? and the Lord answered - There are not Adventists? Where are Adventists, look there on the side, and I saw people on the side of the path who carried the burdens on themselves until their backs bent to the Earth and were angry at those who are under the cross. When she told that the vision of the church that everyone was unhappy Adventists want to hear about yourself only what is pleasing.

I thought how it accurate picture of Adventism they do not enjoy freedom and no acts with them the love of God but live according to the law, not the freedom of the Spirit. The second picture is hatred for all other Christian churches "They do not have the right to enjoy the freedom they need to carry such burdens as we are." A simple example is the tithe. Show me such an Adventist who gives a tithe for the love of God, but rather because it says the law of Moses.

Once I had very similar feelings. God stood before me, and although I did not see his face but in that vision I was convinced that it was the Lord. When he spoke to me that I listened and finally said tithing so I asked undermine "and whether tithing is valid in the New Testament?" but there was no answer, I felt the wrath of God which is in me was growing, it's not like that you know that he is angry, I felt it in myself, growing internal terror. At this time, God revealed to me that He does not accept anything that is respected because it's the law if the tithe and any gift without a heart if you do not do with a desire for Him He will not accept such a gift, it is an unnecessary waste of money if do not you sing for God just because they have to sing from the hymnal He does not accept such a sacrifice it is only lose time.


If you keep the Sabbath because that is the law He does not accept such a sacrifice, you lose time. Most Adventists have an idol, They does not serve Jehovah but their god is the law of Moses, God's anger that I felt it meant theological approach to tithe, rational and not spiritual. God hates all that is duplicitous you can not serve two masters and obeying the law is subject to His judgment rather than His love, the law shows what sin is only because of the law will be judged, and the court is the wrath of God. Giving gifts of any compulsion you are subject to the wrath and not love. When you understand you start to love those who are under the cross, because you'll be one of them.

Vision about Adventism /Felix/

Before I became an Adventist, God gave me a vision. I saw an angel, his face was ugly. But he was turned towards the sky.
It was an angel showing Adventism. It has a bad face their doctrines, but he is at the service heaven.

In the next time. I walked by the SDA church. I looked at the board. I saw another sign, instead of the SDA Church, It was Church who uses methods.

It is not God who leads the church. It's their methods lead church