Big Errors Ellen

An old proverb says, "If you can not someone say something good, do not say anything" commandment of Jesus, "Love your enemies" in the word "love" is a commitment .. How do you love someonedo not speak bad about him How can you talk about loving our enemies by spitting on them. Many failed in the writings of Ellen and hatred reached their zenith They stood on the side of the enemy. Father hatred is the devil, and they fulfill his father's commandment, which says, "you will hate your enemy" those who felt betrayed reflect hate, but it is not Christianity

 I will try to show some mistakes which made Ellen White, I am neither an advocate nor her opponent, if I see errors that it shows Honestly I approach to the issue, without glorification and without charge.

Sabbath at the beginning
- Sabat took over from J. Bates; along with his unbiblical start and end times of hours 18.00-18.00 (It was later followed JN Andrews, observing the Sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset on Saturday.)

Adventists in the beginning for 9 years to keep the Sabbath from Friday to Saturday 18.00 to 18.00 And the bible says to keep the Sabbath from sunset to sunset. It was created division A study of the issue and presented it to the Conference of the ADS in 1855 eventually was passed to keep the Sabbath from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday, but some Adventists were not happy with this arrangement, so Mrs. White decided that her next vision will clarify this matter.

After the conference of November 20, there was a vision that was to clarify the matter Adventists started asking questions why they could not believe in the first vision E.White which proclaimed that the Sabbath begins at 18.00 why, after nine years must change the time of the Sabbath ordained or it's not that they broke for 9 years and have not kept the Sabbath really the Sabbath This caused that E. White for the next vision of an angel asks him to give her an explanation that would cause the extinction of controversy

"I asked why it happened that now we have to change the time of Sabbath-keeping angel answered understand it but not now," Spiritual Gifts Vol 4 p.3-4

Mrs. White died without the promised explanation from God, but the keeping of the Sabbath from sunset to become a condition theories about the seal of God

I admit that this attitude angel raises my concern about the authenticity of the vision of God, I do not know the initial vision confirming the Sabbath observance from 18.00 to 18.00 but Ellen confirms that this vision was and it was a confirmation of light in these times, if so, Adventists behaved improperly Sabbath and these times are no basis in the Bible or even the secular calendar. Angel had no arguments and did not know what to say, I will not explain that an angel if he did not want to explain. The second issue is a promise that will explain it later for another 60 years until her death He did not explainand he did not keep his word. Maybe later he changed his mind and said that he did not explain Truthfulness angel is undermined.

The theory of Closed Doors

Miller's motion claimed that no one will be saved except belonging to the Movement Miller, for all Protestant churches have been closed door of salvation. Ellen White believed in a closed door and the other Protestant churches are Babylon. What is the Adventist Church's official position on the matter:

Brochure published by Adventists in 1980. "101 questions about E.White" says:

"Properly understood that the date of salvation for the two groups, those who rejected or withdrew from Miller has already passed for them the doors were closed, however, incorrectly concluded that no one could accept Christ after October 22 that only the little flock will be saved and all others will be lost"

Adventist Church confirms the belief Ellen and recognizes them as an invalid conclusion which confirms my earlier argument that not everything she believed was infallible

"But here we have a letter E.White to J.Batesa one of the leaders of early Adventism of 1847" vision of the coming Lord. I was about mid-February 1845 in Exeter many of them did not believe in closed doors disbelief seemed to be written on every face, there was one sister about which it was said that she was very spiritual, a rival Ellen White's sister Durben but the group was formed division for closed door, she was compassionate and she could not believe the door was closed, I did not know anything before about their difference of opinion. Sister Durben got up to speak, it was very sad, and when she fell out of my chair on the floor it was the first vision of Ellen then I had a vision of Jesus ascend to his mediation throne and bound for the holy of holies were all deeply interested in the vision ... Sister Durben know what it was the power because experienced it many times and shortly after I fell she was knocked down and fell to the floor, crying to God to have pity on her when I came out of the vision of my ears greeted by loud singing and screaming sister Durban Most of them have adopted a vision and were reassured at the closed door”

Look at the vision it reaffirmed closed doors, she said her vision has improved her mistake and made that left her disbelief at the closed door, "" My vision mend our mistake "So put all of confusion because today we know that the theory was false. She has deceived the whole church in Exeter. Those who did not believe in closed doors they were right

Vision confirmed the theory of a closed door, but just vision nothing talked about closed doors, it is not the fault of poor vision. Ellen put forward such a request. It was thought that if someone has the wrong theories that you would not have vision. God gives view, despite our misconceptions, the theory that you have to have 100% truth in order to get a vision from God is false. After years of Ellen she had to give up the theory of closed doors because Adventism would cease to exist. People received the Gospel in other countries which have never even heard of Miller. It is interesting that Ellen as the popes have never admitted their mistakes this early period, but she admits sometimes doubted his vision.

Alonzo Jones was a close associate of Ellen White, and he wrote her a letter which has never given answers

"Next are written the words:" I must act in accordance with the light given to me by the Lord, I say to you so that Brother ATJones and Dr. Kellogg do everything possible to secure for itself a House of Prayer ". And: "This is the word of the Lord to you and others. Elder AT Jones will try in every possible way to gain this house ownership."

Lord knows that we never have done alleged effort that he never acted in such a way, and it never even thought about owning a House of Prayer. You know too well that I and Dr. Kellogg never acted together, we did not talk with him about this matter, and we did not think about it, to possess ownership House of Prayer.

And something else. Do you remember Sister White that it was not the first time you force me to deny preached by you untruth? It happened already in 1903. When we met in a sanatorium, you asked that I paid you a visit in your home, "Elmshaven". Then you started to speak to me very openly, what with some surprise I listened for a while. But at some point I interrupted you, and looking straight into your eyes, I said, "Sister White, what you say, there is not a grain of truth". When these words are said, you break thought and changed the subject.
The question of whether everything you say and write is inspired by God, is a very serious matter, and the question is, is present in the minds of many sincere Christians. Therefore, I assure you now, Sister White that much more I'd rather you expressed the truth clear and simple word "No", than I have to see how all the time risk terrible judgment, intentionally giving evasive answers! Remember that if you refuse to advocate on either side, the consequences will be inevitable.

I respect you as a sister in Christ, and the truth of God. I desire you the truth, we were saying, about which you wrote and defended her all these years. I do not deny that you have divine enlightenment. I do not deny that you have the Spirit of Prophecy. I deny, however, that everything so far wrote, are derived from divine inspiration of the Spirit of Prophecy. Denying about your infallibility and denying that everything you wrote is infallible Word of God. In fact, denying as you yourself, when you refuse to answer - "Yes" or "No" - a simple question, arguing that such an answer would be misunderstood and misused. Why, then, I can not disagree with you on this, and proceed as indicated by the Scriptures that "all experience, and what is good, to keep"?
Alonzo T. Jones "(The letter did not live to no response from Mrs. White.)

The word "I saw"

The word "I saw" was abused by her and do not always mean a vision from God, but the belief that the Lord gave her the idea. If Ellen had seen in a vision that Kellogg and Jones want to take over the House of Prayer and was untrue so it was not from the Lord but a statement of her belief that it is from the Lord.
"Sister White never accepted the theory of Gausefia and verbal inspiration, either for its own work, nor to the Bible," a quote from the reaction ... Rea p.28

So it did not consider that every written word is inspired by it. Ellen often made use of secular magazines and books of other authors signing them to her name

Wasp waists

'' Lacing up the corset will push the bodies of women from their natural position. It is rare for a woman completely healthy. Most women have a number of problems. Many tease weaknesses very disturbing nature. These fashionably dressed women can not give their children a good physical structure. Some women are naturally slim waists. However, such forms should be construed as beautiful but as defective. These wasp waists may have to give them the mother as a result of practicing sinful practice of lacing up a corset and, consequently, improper breathing. Poor children born of these miserable slaves of fashion have a reduced service life and are prone to diseases. Impurities remaining in the body due to improper breathing are transmitted to offspring, "E.White" Health Reformer "of November 1871

So why all the mothers Chinese had bound his feet that their children are not born with lower rates, because the code is entered in the genes of parents without hands or feet should bear children without arms and legs, but it is not as wrote Ellen she typed it a medical journal in which it is written nonsense idea drew the medical journal "Hausehold" - her grandson and custodian of her works she said she was wearing two coats Publishers without the inspiration and the Prophet.

The pork meat

 At the beginning of Adventism one of marriage in the church preached that you should not eat pork meat, Ellen sent them a letter in which blames them for it, and uses the word "I saw" means that God He would revealed her:

"I saw that the views of your of pork meat would you be counted as not true, if you would be left to themselves. But you have done to this stone of the corner. If God asks to from his people abstaining from pork meat, then convince them about it... He would revealed this case more people appropriate, and I did not two or three people "
  "certificate for the church" str.204-209 / the English /

5 years later, in 1865. Lord changed his mind and gave her another vision prohibit eating pork. If Ellen did not rely on God, then you would say that she wrote from herself Mrs. White was in the habit of relying on God. It remains to be following conclusion: either the Lord told an untruth, or vision was not of God, and given the assumption that God is infallible and can not give false so either could not see anything or anyone who showed her not telling the truth

God says:
"I Do not violate my covenant I will not change words of my mouth"

I also saw that the old Jerusalem would never be rebuilt ...
Experiences and Visions, p. 60.

In times of Ellen showed no signs of that it will ever be rebuilt Jerusalem. Today is a city of half a million people. The term "old Jerusalem" specifies that in Israelas opposed to the New Jerusalem in heaven by. the book of Revelation. I think that before Ellen said, "I saw 'should bite her tongue.

Stone Tablets

... stone tablets that made up like a book. He opened it and I saw the ten commandments written on them the finger of God. On one table  there were four, and the other six. Early writings, p. 23.

Unfortunately, the Bible says something else:
... tables were written on both sides, written on one side and on the other side. (Exod. 32:15 


The species
"Each animal created by God was saved in the Ark. The species that were not created by God, and which arose a result of merger of man are blotted out by a flood. Since the time of the flood man still connect with the animals, as evidenced by the existence of an almost endless number of animal species and the existence of certain races of people. "(Spiritual Gifts [spiritual gifts], Volume 3, p. 75)

 I admit that I do not understand something or the text says that the combination of man from animal created new species of animals and the human race? The genetics is impossible, because the genes are closed only for a given species, combining a cow with a horse, nothing is born, the same man with the animals. If Ellen received in vision it who is this what the vision had given her.

 Just one question to which I do not know how to answer. At the beginning when she Ellen wrote The Great Controversy / first edition / was often used by her word "I saw" Publisher removed it, it bothered the readerwith the consent of of Ellen. But - this is the only work in which sprung up footnotes references from which the works enjoyed writing The Great Controversy, so as it is to the word "I saw" whether this means that in the vision she saw the works of other authors, which benefited? Moreover officially the Church admits that in the history of Jan Hus did she, or rather rewritten from someone historical errors. Does she see errors? I only wish that the historical errors had not seen in this "I saw". I admit that I am so dull that I do not understand it, if someone could explain it to me I would appreciate

Judas Iskariot

"While Jesus was preparing disciples to work, one of them that was not called, insisted to remain among them. It was a Judas Iscariot, the man who confessed that he is a follower of Christ, and now applied for a place in the narrow circle of his disciples (...) So they were surprised by observing the cold that turned him Jesus. "Desire of Ages, p. 206.

As the author clearly distorts the the relation of an evangelist, you can see

Mark's gospel text say::

I went up the mountain and called those whom he wanted and they came to him. I called them twelve, that were with him, and to send them to preach” (Mark 3: 13-14)

Is this report is not clear whether you have something to add? Judas was appointed in the same way as the other apostles and not pushing himself to this group. And whether somebody likes it or not, so it is written. What remains now is a matter of choice or we believe the Bible or other scriptures. I chose a report of an evangelist

Mark. His the relation confirms Luke: “And when it was day, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he also named apostles”

But that's not all, what can we learn about Judas from E. White.
"With seriousness and sincerity express Judas said," Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go. "Jesus did not spurned nor welcomed, but only spoken sad words: "Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." (Mat.8,19.20)
The Life of Jesus, p. 206./Polish name edition/

"Are the Gospels confirm such behavior of Jesus and Judas? No! Matthew report two that the words of teachers of the law. Is that Judas was the teachers of the law? This report Bible (Matt. 8: 19-22), Ellen refers to Judas. Do you agree with this? With the further context of the 10th chapter of the Gospel according to Luke that they could be disciples (candidates), of whom Jesus appointed the other 72 students. According to the report Matthew

and there was a teachers of the law and others who wanted to bury his father and at the same time to be a disciple of Jesus. Was Judas? "Ibid p.23

"This man claimed to be the Messiah, saying that is the power given to him make new order of things and bring the world onto the path of righteousness. (...) He performed miracles using the power of Satan, and thus gained recognition among people. The Life of Jesus, p. 527


Does the Bible says that Barabbas wanted to set the world on the path of justice?

Luk 23: 18-19
"So they cried out all together, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas. And this was thrown into prison because induced in start-up and murder. "

Jan. 18:40
"They called again everyone: Not this man, but Barabbas. And that Barabbas was bandit "


Is Ellen White is a prophet? it is, as the title itself recognized, why should I deny her this title. I do not refuse such a title and the other prophets true and not true, but if her vision came from God, Satan or her mind will judge God himself, I did not enter the court.If you wondered if John Doe from Warsaw is a prophet and received the above arguments.  Do you recognize in him a prophet of God ?