Ellen White

When I write about E.White I know how great controversy over the this person. She has followers who regard her writings as infallible Word of God . She has also opponents who attempt to draw her sins, mistakes, contradictions. Both groups have gone to extremes, because you can not treat a man like a god or like trash.

I am neither a supporter nor opponent, I consider both sides. and being in the Adventist church I wrote an article by in which I gave a good and a bad side. Without express their opinion for or against. The Main Pastor told me that I can not be objective.

I do not agree with his opinion, and now in the following elaboration I will give your comments. that is what I think about the citation or event. I try not to be one-sided. I'll tell you how you can defend the accusation, but I will give what mistakes she made. On the basis of the biblical text we have an obligation to judge prophecy, is it come from God or the prophet speaks them apart

1 Kor. 14:29
(29): Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others pass judgment.

1 Kor. 11:31
(31): But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged.

1 Joh. 4:1
(1): Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.


The establishment of E.White as a prophet in the church gives you a feeling that this gift is for one selected person. others feel unworthy to be prophets. Ellen became a clerk in the church. at the Office of the Prophet. The visions and prophetic endowment in the days of the apostles was given to all. and not for one person. and so it was with all the gifts of the Spirit. Philip was an evangelist. because such a gift received from God. They were not employed prophets, or evangelists on maintaining the church. If we have the office of prophet for the church we ought to have the Office of Healing and the Office of miracles.

The Old Testament times, when God led the people through the prophets in the New Testament gifts of the Spirit had been poured at all and are led by the Spirit but not a prophet. The institution of one of the prophet through whom the church is run is incompatible with the New Testament.

Before his death. E.White said that were arriving to her people, and there were many. They wanted that she recognized as prophets and her successors in the church. It is horror of horrors, They would be on the pattern of officials prophet in the church. They wanted that she their established, not God. When the Spirit will give you a vision for the church. You say the church about it. You are not looking for confirmation in the church that you are a prophet. You can have vision once in a lifetime and it can be addressed to one person, for the whole congregation. Others may have a vision on a monthly basis and relate these visions only for themselves. It is the same Holy Spirit and the same inspiration runs in each case.

God wants you today the same gift of prophecy but you yourself shut him an opportunity, "I a prophet? Only E. White could be inspired, "you do not get visions because you do not accept. The apostle said to everyone in the church

(1): Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual [gifts], but especially that you may prophesy.

The problem of inspiration

People fall into two extremes ie, that a prophet is infallible and as he makes a mistake he is not a prophet of God because as the inspiration could be wrong? Adventists approach to E.White that everything written and said is was inspired and infallible.

Sometimes Ellen she answered "God has not revealed this to me." So what about the inspiration 24 hours a day, it was not like that, and when Ellen was talking with a neighbor about shopping did it under the inspiration too ?. And when someone asked her why inserted the wrong date of did it book she answered "God did not show me the dates," she interceded them apart.

Prescot was the publisher of her books, who claimed that everything came from the pen of They is inspired. The effect of this was such that when Christians Day of the Sabbath errors found in her the writings They rejected everything that she wrote. because it taught them that everything written is inspired. Her wrong to say that she is not a prophet of God. The prophet is the only human who can be wrong, can have their own views, and commit sins in their moments of weakness, when he would be infallible. I mean, that was either God or the Pope Pius IX

Ellen White said about yourself

I would like that my life was hidden in Jesus. I would like to be crucified, I have no claim to iffallibility or even to Christian perfection. I am not free from errors and mistakes in life.”

Her son wrote:

'' In some historical issues presented in the 'patriarchs and prophets' in the 'Acts of the Apostles' 'and' 'Great Controversy' it is shown very clearly and explicitly main outlines, and when she began to develop these topics, she had the Bible and history books to look for dates and geographical relations and improve descriptions of details.,,

Her son wrote:
'' Regarding Mother's writings and their use as authoritative in matters of history or chronology: My mother never wanted the brothers treated them as authoritative in matters of historical details or dates "

In the Bible we have examples of several prophets who were the true prophets, yet they had human weaknesses. greed, stubbornness and their own opinion independent of God.


There is no doubt that he was a prophet of God, because God in visions of the night talking to him. Does God speaks of false prophets and comes to them in a vision of the night to give them advice?

(9): And God came to Balaam and said, "Who are these men with you?"(10): Balaam said to God, "Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab, has sent a message to me, saying, ..(12): But God said to Balaam, "You must not go with them; you must not curse the people, for they are blessed."

But the prophet had a weakness for money and agrees to travel to King Balak, which more later told the king to dissuade Israel from God, through the introduction of prostitution

The Prophet Jonah

There is no doubt that he was a prophet of God. But Jonah has his own views differ from the views of God, and when Nineveh was not destroyed prophet offended God. Jonah has its own view on the matter, its own opinions other than God. This story shows the human side of the prophet. If Jonah under a bush castor would began to wrote the book he would put his own view as to Nineveh. That would be contrary to the view of the Creator.

Nadia prophetess and the other prophets wanted to intimidate Nehemiah Ne.6,14 not for the fact that they were false prophets but to gain familiarity with the wrong people, etc.

The prophet lied to the prophet

1 King. 13:11
(11): Now there was an old prophet living in Bethel. When his sons came home, they told their father everything the prophet had done in Bethel that day and all the words he had spoken to the king.

1 King. 13:18
(18): The old prophet then said, "I too am a prophet like you. An angel told me with the LORD's authority, 'Bring him back with you to your house so he can eat and drink.'" But he was lying to him.

1 King. 13:20
(20): While they were sitting at the table, the LORD spoke through the old prophet

God spoke through the prophet liar to deceived. Not everything the prophet says must be true. The Prophet as a man can have and their own opinion, to fall, to be sinful. This does not mean that it is a false prophet. Our image of the prophet is distorted. Everything that was written by Ellen is infallible - so you think?

He was one of the greatest prophets, but was afraid the threat queen and fled into the desert, there wished death. He fell into a depression.

When the prophet appears today is the most common one proudly shows on the Internet, "look at his statement, he said in that sentence is not true, it means that he is a false prophet." False prophet has a vision of Satan, and prophesy against God's announced as having taken place at the time of the prophet Jeremiah. They came to the prophets of the visions that God has not given

Inspiration of the Bible has two parts human-divine. God does not guide the hand of man during typing. When the man did misspellings, etc. stylistic. God does not change that.

Interpretation of Prophecy

 1. God said to the Apostle. John "what you see, save and send to the seven churches" that John had enroll in his own words, God has not directed his hand, and therefore what he saw, wrote and gave to compare counterparts to what it is known on Earth, horses, eagles, wind, the sea of glass. The visions of Ellen White said, "God, I am not able to write what you show me, I'm afraid that will bring discredit your work of," she wrote their own words what she had seen, fallible human. After years of reading it again she shattered and wrote it again in other words, whether improved after the Holy Spirit or behind?

2. Example of human imperfection

Prophet Adam received a vision from God in which he saw the bus, sitting in the members of his church were traveling the narrow way and that Jesus was the driver, but several people from the bus got out along the way.

Adam interpreted this as follows: Bus is the Church and the way they got out Mark, John and Eve it means that they leave the church. The interpretation was wrong because God wanted to say something different through this vision. He presented in the mission of the church, and people who got out. They included features in the newly established churches.

So is Adam is a false prophet because he misinterpreted the vision? No! False prophet has a vision of Satan, it was from God. The prophets of the Bible did not understand the vision that got example of this is the prophet Daniel who asks God and says he does not understand what God shows him Dan.12

Did the prophet might be wrong?


A lot of people have misconceptions about the prophets and their statements, usually people go to extremes argue that a prophet can not go wrong and if he make a mistake it is a false prophet. The gift of prophecy does not necessarily mean that the prophet is a perfect, sinless man. God uses weak vessels, and provide a vision of God does not mean a perfect human character. This may be greedy, lustful, deceitful, etc.

He can also interpret the vision for his errant ways. Prophet can not be wrong at the moment when the Holy Spirit speaks through him, but when God tells man not enslave him by preventing human thoughts and views. Most prophets had views of their churches to which they belonged but these views are wrong. This is similar to the resolution of the Catholic church of papal infallibility at a time when speaking officially, but the infallibility was not applied to the entire life of the Pope. Prophet or pope for 24 hours a day, but infallibility is only when the Holy Spirit speaks directly.


People believe everything what said, healer or prophet. They do not examine whether what it says is from God or from the devil, or whether he is speaking from each other. as it was in apostolic times? When the prophet spoke all studied his words.

1 Cor. 14:29  29. And as for the prophets, let them speak two or three, and let others judge;

The prophet may have ideas of their church to which he belongs it is not true that the prophet knows the whole truth, and all the teachings of Bible, this is another gift or gift of knowledge. the gift of prophecy does not necessarily mean that a prophet has all the gifts of the Spirit. And what about the prophets in other churches? I think they are prophets only at the level of his church where they are. For example, the nun Maria Kozlowska who also had a visions, but at the level of Catholics. to lift them up and discarded celibacy, confession and supper adopted under both species.

God gives as far as a man can take, and you have been angry that she did not know the whole truth as a prophet. if its God has revealed everything, including the Little Horn of Daniel 7 this was a prophet for ourselves, no one would recognize her visions and anyone not raised above. Remember that God must prepare people's hearts to the truth. He does not want to ruin their hardened in their hearts and rebellious they went to lose.

Reader when you meet Adventist who preaches the gospel, and you wonder that people do not accept. because he had not asked the Lord to open their earlier hearts and prepared them for adoption. Everything you need to grow up. Most people are at the infant to hear about the Sabbath, foods and prophecies of the apocalypse. Evangelism is only one case when God will send you to someone, because he already has prepared the soil for the seeds of the gospel. In other cases it is a self-proclaimed evangelism and throwing grain on the rock. intellectual persuading people to the philosophy of the Bible.

The first step is bringing people to the cross with their sins. you have to show them the love of the Father, not that they have holy commandments. to be a saint you need to get rid of sin and sinfulness only through Jesus removes his blood. What first Pentecost the Apostles preached "repent and confess their sins," Love attracts so show the love of the Father

Almost all same they approach to assessing the prophet and make mistakes

A - Every sentence that he wrote in his books prophet is infallible. And when we see some false sentence all say "check this is a false prophet because here he was mistaken," It is a mistake is that we think about the prophet as a god, infallible. The vision of God consists in the fact that God gives a vision of a man writes her own words, there is no 24-hour clerical inspiration, when the prophet talking about shopping, is also said under the inspiration ?. When the prophet receives a vision can interpret it in their own way, sometimes erroneous, E.White after years of reading your vision shattered and wrote it again in other words, "if the prophet improved after the Holy Spirit?

B- In the books of the prophet there are errors. Each book you are reading contains some percentage of errors are sometimes minor, sometimes serious, because the result of our beliefs, fantasies, erroneous theories, and we ought to choose what is appropriate, select seed and discard the chaff. Who of you reading any book, believes that it is infallible? We fall into a trap when we read the book of the prophet, because we read of attitude as an unmistakable message. Infallible is when the Holy Spirit speaks and the prophet quotes God's words literally when he quotes the words of God that God is not wrong, but the book of the prophet as a whole contains quoting God and their own prophet. I have not met the prophet who all wrote every word in his books was quoting the words of God.

C - Followers of the church prophet consider it to be infallible. This is a real argument, the prophet can cause this because it may also have human characteristics like pride, greed, lies and tell the infallible and that is God. Is the vision of God, he received was false? No! visions was true, he showed himself. Such an attitude shows that people reject true vision because of a bad posture prophet

You as a prophet to decide when to use this gift and it is not commanding to the Spirit, but cooperation with Him. When you the Holy Spirit. Say "no" He will not speak for you, He gives you time to use the prophecies according to your will and it is beautiful. If someone says he has no control over his gift of the Spirit is possessed, because Satan does not count with your free will, it compels and captivates

I can not hold myself back

"Some say that they can not stop because it overwhelmed the Holy Spirit ... Paul wrote," And the spirits of the prophets are subject to prophets "So I repeat that the claim that someone is not able to control what he says or does, because it is overwhelmed by Spirit is naive .. One woman gave a prophetic word for the assembly ... as she stood up for the service, she bizarrely waving his arms and legs. He attracted attention and interfere with hearing the words that conveyed. When I talked to her about her useless behavior, she stated that it is unable to control the ball. When I quoted that the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets, angry and accused me of quenching the Spirit "

failure to specify conditions for the fulfillment of prophecy

"I know people who have gotten real prophetic words about their vocation ... People understand the word as a guarantee, and no invitation and did not come closer to the Lord, as required by this young man / he received the prophetic word / reacted to the principle of" what is to be it will be "and carried on such a life as before. He passed with what God wanted for him. As I said earlier, the prophetic word is an invitation, not a promise, "Remember that the prophecies may be contingent If God has promised you money this month. Your task is something to do in this direction do not sit in a chair and wait for the money you fall from the sky. Your task is to pray for about realization it.

Is Ellen White made mistakes?

Custodian of the works and at the same time her grandson Arthur White said that Ellen made errors in theology, history and medicine. The General Conference again considered the prophetic gift of Ellen White, and announced publicly that she is a prophet to the Adventist Church, which means that the errors it committed not deny the prophetic self-giving. So therefore there is no infallibility of the prophet, and 24-hour inspiration. Her inspiration is the thought of God and not the writer's inspiration.

God is a God of truth, and shall not lie, He does not lead people to lie. Ellen wrote that God hid the truth from him. / book "Experience and Vision," about a group of Miller /. God is a God of truth, and such is His the nature and lie Miller introduced himself through his own investigations about the year 1844. If God were to introduce people the lie that He should they apologize for it, because they cheated. God does not make a lie and does not cover the truth, one miscalculation and says that it is God who covered the truth, I can hear the hiss of the serpent here who do wrong and to blame God. God does not reveal to us all but it does not cover the truth. Satan hides the truth from the people and not God. God does not deal with enumeration of dates.

"His hand covered a mistake in the calculation of the prophetic periods of time ... God then took off his hand with these numbers," E.White "Experience. And Visions" p.202

One of the biggest accusations. This is not a prophecy fulfilled,, In one of the churches, Ellen announced that she had seen what some of those members in the last seven plagues, we see plagues did not come and these people died a natural death.

These prophecies immutable like the plague, the coming of Christ, the New Earth, but the prophecies of people depend on their decision, God can postpone it or give up, and an example that we have at Nineveh prophet Jonah exactly announced when will the destruction of the city, for 40 days that He prophecy came from God and God alone by the attitude of people changed it postponed far into the future, just as it did in the days of Ellen she announced that Christ was ready to come in her time, but the church through his attitude changed this, because there has been no outpouring of plagues in her time, most decrees Sunday appeared in her time and not ours.

Thus, the prophecy about which she wrote and concerning events before the second the Lord's return concern her time with the people with whom she was, with the local political situation. And these predictions may never meet, because we live now in a different situation and the political, economic, other people are living longer and we need new prophet who would foretold events of our times and will look like the situation before the return of the Lord.

 Maybe I disapoint you but I want to say that the decrees on Sunday can no longer appear because it was a prophecy for the times E.White, or it could now look completely different than the prediction for the nineteenth century, as I said we need a prophet to prophesy the future. E.White is a prophet in his own time and as the states for the Adventists are not as Isaiah which provided for the millennium ahead. You can only be established prophet for the church, or region, you can have one vision and you can also receive them every week it's up to God. Ellen was a prophet for her time and Adventist church rather than a prophet for all churches and centuries.

The prophet Daniel prayed for the Exodus of Israel from the Babylonian captivity and he knew that God told Jeremiah that in captivity they will be for 70 years, so why pray if God already predicted their return. This prophecy could not enter into force. There are people who have received a prophecy for themselves for the next year and the following year they were disappointed that it did not come true, and I ask them what you did with its Did you prayed for its realization? Oh no ! I waited for God to fill them. We look forward to destination and it does not exist. These prophecies irreversible but they are also dependent on our will, God withdrew his prophecy about the death of Hezekiah, and added for him 15 years , but if the king had not repented, it would have died without these additional 15 years, God withdrew his earlier prediction that he would die