Dream - Story

Friday was a busy day. 3 p.m.I came back from work. The Sabbath begins at 4.30 pm and I have yet to do cleanup, shake sidewalk, wash the floor and do some shopping, suddenly someone knocked on the door, I looked from out curtains. Adam friend from the neighborhood, interested in the truth. - The devil gave him here - I said to myself, now there are only 1.5 hours to the start of the Sabbath. He comes into my study, I have to get rid of him. I took a key in hand, shopping bag and close the door in front of his face "come later," I said, "But," Adam wanted to say something but I was already far away.

The shop it got busy, and at the checkout a lot of peopleI have to somehow to push in because I did not have time to begin the Sabbath, yet I can not wait, I still have so much work. At the checkout stood an old woman in a green hat, jumped in front of her and paid for shopping, to her surprise, now quickly to house the way I pass my blind neighbor, He can not see and does not know where he ought to go, I run home - rubbish - will not have time throw away, so I put it behind the wardrobe, you need to wash the floor and shake a carpet, now take a shower because the sabbath not allowed to bathe, I always repeated it to others, I still have 15 minutes, I wear a white shirt and tie, the bus arrived on time but crowded , fortunately, but to the chapel I have only 5 minutes, a woman with a child, she wanted to enter to bus but there is no place, and I do not have time for the next bus.

In the chapel were a few people. I can not see bro. Andrew with his family and old Martha. I think that I'll tell them a sermon about be late. I did not manage prepare songs. I immediately opened the songbook. at random. "how blissfully and is pleasing to us when we enter the Sabbath together." if really we are pleased and blissfully? I thought, this is not me blissfully. During the song became another person. "Here Jesus greets us and the Lord." Say the words of this song.

Jesus could have greeted them, but the right words to be late. Let us pray I said. Andrew began, "Thank you, Lord," I know what does he say for the moment. "thou hast gathered us here." for years repeats the same. "thou hast gathered us here," said Andrew. his every sentence I had memorized. for years we meet in the same group. no new does not appear. the world does not want to hear the truth. They came once new but gone. For a moment I fell into a reverie. We are repeating the same words.

Our worship does not change. As in the church of Rome. Nobody wonders what he sings. So what we differ from the Church of Rome? They have priests which gave the right to baptize and communi . exactly the way it is here. Where is it in the Bible?

Reminded me to say Tertullian who lived at the beginning of Christianity, he wrote. "when there is no meeting of this Baptism and priest are" so far I've used this against Catholics, the priesthood of the faithful, but also hits the Adventist because he says that believers are baptized but say it Adventists pastors

Worship has finished and no one after the sermon did not know about what was the sermon. I walked slowly come home. I do not know whether more tired of me preparing for the Sabbath or the same service. I began to wonder. why our sermons are boring. One sermon Peter revived three thousand. One pastor's sermon can sleep three thousand. By Peter spoke the Holy Spirit and through me full of wisdom and knowledge. Suddenly it dawned on me. Yet Adam was created to glorify God, to have fellowship with Him. Saturday is our school knowledge. sermon this knowledge. The songs are about the Saturday or the Bible. Our goal should be to glorify God.

On the way I met Magda Adam's sister, the one who came to see me before the Sabbath.
Magda Hello where are you going I asked,
I back from the hospital, she replied,
and whoever is ill?
It did not you know? Adam did not tell you he was going for operations,
I think that he went to you today , he wanted prayers from you. I I did not want to say that I closed the door in front of him, quickly changed the subject, and as cunning operation?
Failed, the doctors did not give him much chance only a miracle can save him.

A week ago he asked me how to be saved? I told him that he must observe the Sabbath, do not eat pork and baptized.
Mark, after salvation is by grace and grace is a gift. it is present. what you say is contrary to what bible says in Efez.2,8-9. "grace you are saved not of works lest any man should boast" or salvation is for the observance of the Sabbath ?. Day of baptism is covenant with God. something you do not eat it for your own health. Pork does not save you.

Along the way, I began to wonder.
But she is not Adventist, so what he says is exploring, but deep inside I felt it was right, my mind rebelled, yet people in the world can not have a better understanding than we do. There is no salvation after a Adventism. Pork health this sounds interesting, I never so did not think so, I always thought that the most important thing is keeping the commandments.

I got home. I sat on the couch tired. next to me lie newspaper. Today is the Sabbath, I can not read it. TV I can not turn on on the sabbath because this I should not be permitted. What should I do with myself ?. Put myself to sleep, but on the sabbath I should not sleep, I wonder from what time I can lie down. or from 9 p.m. or 8 p.m.? I took the Bible in your hand and said, Lord, help me to understand. how to fill out your will ?. The text was opened to me

2 Kor. 3:6
(6): who made us adequate to be servants of a new covenant not based on the letter but on the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Lord, what this is about? What is life in the Spirit? Give me a revelation. Slowly I started to fall asleep and I found myself in another dimension. In the world of Spirit. Someone approached to me with a quick step. Who are you I asked?

- I am the spirit of truth, he replied, and Those Who seek me find me.
- What do you have to say? I said:

- God wants your heart, he is looking for a relationship with you, and not legalism, the fulfillment of the law is love, three things God wants from you: Surrender, holiness and love and these three are one.


Your heart is closed to me. You control your own life, you live theories, teachings of the church, run their own plans for evangelization. I never me ask is it my will. That I only can change the hearts of people to born again, and you give them an Advent theories according to which the they follow. Do not let me drive myself. You are practicing witchcraft, it is the control and manipulation of people. Give me back the people.

What would I do? I asked

Become a servant to others rather than ruling. live for love and you fill law of give to the Lord. For God give your life and your plans. Search His guidance and His revelations. Religious theories bring people together in deception. God does not deal with Biblical philosophy. This theory is it true and that is not .


Holiness is life without sin, do you think it's more important to respect the rules of the Sabbath, from helping another human being? Remember Adam, who despised to preserve the rule of law, 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice "Remember the old lady in a shop in a green hat, she had swollen legs and had to wait because of you, you gave her pain, Do you think that your blessing the Sabbath is me nice . Is this rubbish behind the wardrobe, provide greater holiness apartment ?, do you think of that I'm happy? For the sanctity of the Sabbath you did not give seat on the bus for a woman with child, and she was going to the hospital with her baby. I want from the people living in the Spirit and not the letter of the law.

I prefer the 1 hour devoted to me with a sincere heart than 24 hours for the fulfillment of the law. That I will give you rest, peace, without me you can keep holy day in Saturday, Sunday or Monday and it will be only ceremony, if you do not find in me rest, you will not find him on Saturday.

Why did God commanded the Israelites blessing of Saturday, if they could have a rest every day of the week? I asked

Each day of the feast was to be the relationship with me, the day of sacrifice for me, and not ordained because it is such a provision, the Sabbath had come into contact with me. Every day man works and makes it difficult to focus on God, and therefore commanded to be these days were holidays.
It is written "God loves a cheerful giver" if your gift does not come with a willing heart just a duty, it can not be accepted. The Old Covenant is the letter of the law, the order fulfillment. The New Covenant is the law of the Spirit.


"Love worketh no evil neighbor, the fulfillment of the law is love" Biblical love is not a feeling but the principle is based on obedience, "Who loves me, keep my commandments," Jesus said about it in the Bible. You should help a blind neighbor. It is the law of love. I love you I proved through suffering on Calvary, the filled out right.

Surrender - It is submission to the guidance of God, fulfillment of his will, not your
holiness - It is a gift from heaven, by subjecting themselves to him, you can rip off yourself trying on their own hand to be a saint.
Love - this is the gift of for others, through holiness and submission.