The defense of Ellen White

Now defending Ellen. On the Internet you can find a lot of allegations. Most of them are far-fetched. Or not valid for 100 years.

Where was Babylon?
Answer - Babylon was to the north and not the south
"Quite unexpectedly it created in the south of the new world power - the state of Babylon.
Prophets and Kings, pp. 236.


· From the north pours misery (Jer. 1:14)

· Because I will bring disaster from the north (Jer. 4: 6)
· Here comes the people of the north (Jer. 6:22)

· Here comes the news and a great tumult from the land of the north (Jer. 10:22)

· Here the people coming from the north (Jer. 50:41).

It is human error for which he wrote the above mentioned here son of Ellen. - "God did not give her directions or geographic location." Some pastors who believe that each of her sentence is infallible and tried to explain it somehow, but to no avail.


Pregnant Woman

“Her body place great changes, it needs more healthy blood, and therefore increase the amount of nutritious food. "Adventist Home, p. 159.

'”he mother's body does not need other foods during pregnancy. The notion that what your appetite desires, needs to be in the stomach, is a huge mistake ... The mind-character-Personality, p. 117.

The adversaries sometimes cite the contradictions in her writings, but here you have to be careful, because the apparent contradiction on the same page may be due to other thoughts in context, when read a whole is a contradiction no individual sentences drawing the other hand, gives the appearance of conflict. Here are two different thoughts. In this way it and the Bible we find contradictions. 1 sentence says that Jesus did not do many miracles and the other had done many miracles

The first sentence

"And he did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief." Mat.13.58

The second sentence

"This man performs many miracles" Jan.11,47

Context says that the first sentence refers to Nazareth and the second Jerusalem. This is also the writings of Ellen, two single sentence out of context give the appearance of conflict.

What can bring the consumption of tea?

“Alcoholic sells his intellect for a glass of poison. Satan then takes control his understanding, feelings and conscience. Such a man is destroying the temple God. Consuming tea helps performed the same work” The mind - character - personality, p. 266.

 How does tea?

“Tea acts on the body like poison” From the
Testimonies Vol. I, p. 143. /Polish Edition/

This is an argument that in times of Ellen was widely used today is already out of date, it was thought that the tea comprises teina that is the same drug that is caffeine, but it turned out that this is not true, because the tea does not have narcotic properties, and we see it even on the example prisoners who drink essence and not become addicted to tea. Not found components harmful to health in tea, and so you know what diseases are the result of drinking coffee, such as hypertension, heart disease, addiction and others but found no signs of this type because of drinking tea, where you can say "this sickness is the result of drinking tea.

One should also know that some herbal teas are dangerous because the effects of overdose can be fatal, it should be treated with caution because otherwise act upon the body of peppermint or chamomile herbal blends unknown to us from China, there are many poisonous plants this must be remembered. But America and England was famous for its black tea, so where did Ellen such a negative attitude towards tea. Medical journals wrote about the dangers and narcotic properties of tea. And this was due to political conflicts, and it is no wonder that such a bad attitude was tea, remember that in the nineteenth century was not taken with any research on tea, what was excessively used to call stimulant is like today potatoes called stimulant because every day in almost every house used.

"The substantial increase in the consumption of tea was recorded in the twenties of the eighteenth century, and it resulted largely from increases in grain prices (especially in Britain), and therefore alcohol. Tea became soon the most popular stimulant in Europe, shreds, even the pretext of political conflicts (the famous "Boston Tea Party" from 1773 years preceding the outbreak of the War of Independence British colonies in America). in the first half of the nineteenth century in Britain there was an increase in consumption of 40 000%! English life mimicked in many parts of the Old Continent " Quote from

The war for American independence began with the tea. Thrown into the sea cargo of tea and so began the conflict with the British, perhaps therefore in American magazines Prejudice Tea left its mark.
To discourage Americans to drink tea, they said that it is poison

Speaking about the principles of health, medicine, theology is not an error. It has nothing to do with prophecy. The word stimulant from the time Ellen meant frequent use.

Arguments fun

Christians the Old Testament
“Abel was the first Christian among the children of Adam died a martyr's death”. Lessons from the Mount of Blessing, p. 35.
“Even if people were not deprived of their teachers who taught the ways of life, as Noah and Enoch were Christians. certificates”, Vol. III, p. 33.

Funny argument, we all know since when there is Christianity, I would see no big mistake, after all the Israelites in the Old Testament spiritually to serve Christ, says the letter to the Corinthians, "the rock that followed them was Christ" 1Kor.10,4. The allegation is not Christianity as a spiritual state only "Christianity as the state of the organization"
In her time electricity was invented and believed that it was everywhere. 

The germinated seeds

"It must be sent rain to wet the thirsty fields, the sun must give heat in the earth the seed it need electricity". Proverbs of Christ, p. 32.
This is not the message of God's will, only the views of her time

Arguments true and false

On the Internet, still circling the same arguments against Ellen many of them already are outdated for 100 years,

 The secretary Ellen

Bolton accused Mrs. Ellen that she writes her articles and Ellen only signs. To this day, this objection can be found both in the book "White lie" Rea and the websites /

"I the undersigned Edwards. Bellenger declare that I was personally acquainted with Ms. Fannie Bolton, assistant to Mrs. EG White, and next declare that in the period 1895-1897 was informed personally by Miss Bolton in Battle Creek that she wrote the book" The step to Christ "and that Mrs. White published it under his own name."
Edward S. Ballenger 4138 Mulberry St. Witness: Charles D. Willis


Mrs. Bolton admitted to lying and apologized Ellen White, but this argument will not find, outdated allegation over 100 years is an argument against Ellen

Fannie replied""My eyes are open to the way in which I hurt your work, for my spirit was not right. The enemy had magnified my supposed difficulties, and though I did not realize what I was doing, he knew exactly what he intended to do through me, but by the grace of God he has lost his tool... DF 445a

D. M Canright
Adventist Church pastor who personally knew Ellen but his views were shaky was at the Adventist later at Baptist returned to Adventists would again go to the Baptists. He wrote against Ellen at her grave and said:"At some point at the end of the funeral of Dudley he proposed to stand again in front of the coffin of the deceased goal of her farewell. While the tears flowed down his cheeks, breaking voice he said:"It was a noble woman who left" Many people have heard and remembered those words. "I was Canright's Secretary" p.156 "To the President of the Lake Union Conference LHChristian in his 1915 stated the following:""... I would say that I have never met a woman so devout and relaxed and yet so unselfish, helping others, and practical how Mrs. White. She was really spirited woman, a woman of prayer and deep faith in the Lord Jesus. "I was Canright's Secretary," p. 158

Canright did not understand inspitation


"I saw him sitting with pen in hand and reads the manuscript of her husband, while he suggested changes, which she then writes. (...) Is he also was the inspiration? "(P. 116).

There is no verbal inspiration, and do not recognize it Adventists and lies in the fact that every word written is inspired. God gives thought and the man is doing it in your own words if you found a better definition of what she had seen it changing text.

Canright is unreliable, because if once publicly proclaimed Sunday and change it on Saturdays, once proclaimed immortal soul, then it is deadly, and again that is immortal is this debater does not want to listen. Canright allegations made in his book - Fri. Life Ellen White "

The chapter "Vision of the planets”

Ellen said to Bates who was interested in astronomy that she sees a vision of a planet with moons and he guessed that comes to Jupiter and Saturn, nowhere did not mention the names of the planets but all say what she meant, or what God had in mind. On the other hand, in those days it was discovered many planets Jupiter and Saturn While Ellen said in the next century discovered more moons and allegation lies in the fact that it did not provide all the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, which have now been discovered. And since handed them four or six does not mean that no more can they be, The aim of the vision was not science but arouse faith in astronomy.

One evening at the conference above mentioned [Topsham, Maine, 1846], in the house of Mr. Curtis, and in the presence of Elder (Captain) Bates, who was yet undecided in regard to the manifestations, Mrs. White, while in vision, began to talk about the stars, giving a glowing description of the rosy-tinted belts which she saw across the surface of some planet, and added, “I see four moons.” “Oh,” said Elder Bates, “she is viewing Jupiter.” Then, having made motions as though traveling through space, she began giving descriptions of belts and rings in their ever-varying beauty, and said, “I see eight † moons.” “She is describing Saturn.” Next came a description of Uranus with his six moons, then a wonderful description of the “opening heavens.”’

Arguments: And where it is written in the Bible.

Argument type: "where it is written in the Bible?" The answer is the same, "And where does the Bible denies it?" This is not any proof of fault

Example: "Where in the Bible says that the serpent offered Eve the fruit?" That question would ask Israelite apostle John, after writing the Apocalypse "Where in the Old Testament is written about the seven trumpets, seven seals, or the number 666? The fact that earlier that there was no does not mean it is not true. In the Bible, there is not described a number of events. As Adam lived after leaving Eden. Or about the life of the prophet Henoh

Was Ellen White a plagiarist?
Washington copyright lawyer concludes that Ellen White was not a plagiarist and her work did not constitute copyright infringement.”

After the attack, Rea "White lie" in a book whose main accusation of plagiarism. The SDA church hired a company which is engaged in plagiarism. They examined the writings of Ellen White, and made a statement that under the law of the nineteenth century, Ellen did not commit plagiarism prescribing of other authors citations or whole passages from their books. Most of the works did not have the rights reserved. The same can not be said about the theft of their works.

Practice Wesley.

"John Wesley, 18 century founder of Methodism (in which increased Ellen White) described as follows their practices parts of his sources:" I was wondering for some time whether I should give the author of each note, which quoted: especially considering the fact that some rewriting, shortened many of them, the other gave literally. "Especially given that some rewriting, shortened many of them, the other gave literally. However, after careful consideration, I decided that I will not give names, that nothing turned attention of the reader from keeping close to the main story, and that was only what was spoken by what was important value. "It seems that a similar position occupied Ellen White . its main purpose was to make people well understand her message. Do not cited other "because of the authority of the writer." That's what others have written, served her only as "ready and forcible presentation of the issues." In the words of Wesley; She did not want to divert attention the reader from keeping close to the main story"

The contemporary practice.

"Is this kind of behavior was commonplace at the time of Ellen White? Yes. One of our biblical commentators discovered that it was a common practice among authors in the 19th century. He wrote :, "When we created Bible Commentary Seventh-day Adventist, I had the opportunity to compare thirty-19th-century 1Listu comments to the Corinthians. The first thing I noticed was a wide range of substantial copying material from one another by well-known and respected writers of the 19th century without mentioning the source. I came to the conclusion that the 19-century ethics, even among the best writers, approved of, or at least did not dispute fairly large literary borrowing without giving a source. Ellen White openly stated that borrowed some stuff from different historians in the creation of "The Great Controversy", which sometimes served, and sometimes he does not indicate the source. Today, it is the proper deposition of 19 -wiecznego writer according to our modern standards. "
quote from Fri. Prophet or Plagiator