The Lord's Supper

Protestants divided themselves into two groups, those who consider the Lord's Supper as a symbol only, and those who participate in the sacrifice of the Lord. If the Lord's Supper is only a symbol and a remembrance and a memory you have no participation in it, does not enter into Christ's death closes in knowledge about the fact that Jesus died 2,000 years ago and I only mention it. Protestants are so touchy about the Catholic transubstantiation that renounce participation in Christ's sacrifice. The difference is that Jesus Catholic in wafer turns into a an authentic body during mass. The bread is still bread and does not change in the literal body of Jesus, but by the bread we enter into the body and blood of Christ at Calvary. Look at the text:

1 Kor. 10:16
(16): Is not the cup of blessing that we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread that we break a sharing in the body of Christ?

Is the text says that the bread is only a symbol and reminder of death or whether it is community participation and input in the blood and body of Jesus. You have to participate in flesh and blood and not just remember it. Did you know that the language of old Jewish had only the present tense and the many prophecies about the future and the past, it was spoken as if they had a place now.

Golgotha is not only a time past but we are in it now. you want to be merely an observer of his death or would like to participate in his sacrifice. If the bread and wine are just a reminder of the past, you're an observer. As the day of independence / in Poland / the feast of November 11, or July 4th in the USA where we can only remember what happened 200 years ago, but other than memories nothing more than we do, many so comes to the sacrifice of Jesus as the memories of which nothingIt has to be done.

Reading the Bible, Hebrew it availed of all descriptions bible to each other or the present time, we taught the Greek system, we refer to the past which is concerned that those people and not me, now it's just history only and to the future or something will be, but I do now does not apply, and at present during Bible says nothing. - It's the Greek way of thinking. Such thinking does not participate in the sacrifice of Christ because it is only the past and the history closed.

1 Kor. 11:29
(29): For the one who eats and drinks without careful regard for the body eats and drinks judgment against himself.

Reading this text always pay attention to the word "unworthy" in the sense sinful, not reconciled, but this text does not speak only about the sins but that unworthiness is indiscrimination the Lord's body. You eat it as ordinary bread or disrespect the victim treating it as a normal ceremony. It seems that people then knew about entering through supper in the the body of Jesus. For what is a participation in the death of Jesus as not participating in court over sin on the cross, so participating in the sacrifice of the body of Jesus and his sin participate in court over sin except that this judgment is against you rather than for cleaning, concerns of text

Hebr. 10:26-27
(26): For if we deliberately keep on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins is left for us, but only a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a fury of fire that will consume God's enemies.

So consciously we enter into the sacrifice of Jesus with rebellion by the bread and wine. Next issue is not to distinguish the spiritual from what is carnal. The difference is that instead of Adventist spiritually in Christ's sacrifice is looking at whether it is unleavened bread and the wine is grape juice, the outer form is more important than spiritual. We do not participate in Old testament Passover only in Christ's sacrifice.

The washing of feet

The washing of feet was a common practice every day. Each supper began to wash the feet. The Lord's Supper does not introduce a new habit. Daily practice continues. The text that says "you should do the same," he says about humility and not about washing their feet. "I am your teacher, and I have washed your feet," A great teacher becomes a servant for his disciples

 Transfer habits Israel in our time. It is not necessary, feet washing was customary. It was the custom that they had no tables or chairs, and somehow this habit does not make no one today. Letter to the Corinthians speaks of Covering the heads for women. At the end of the apostle adds that it is a habit. In some churches introduced this habit.He says that does not cover her heads is a sin. Text says: "If a man covers her head with it dishonors his head. Every Jew to pray covers his head. Does this mean that Jesus and the apostles dishonors their head. Greek custom is different from the Jews. God has not changed his mind in the the New Testament. In Poland we introduce habit Greek or Jewish.

 In Adventism supper can only give an ordained pastor. Where this is in the Bible. This is a Catholic pattern. Man priest and layman. The clergyman can give wedding, lead funeral, baptize. A member of the church has zabronione.Letter to the Corinthians is a letter to the people in the church. not to the clergy in the church. About in 180 years . Tertullian said. "When there is no priest, you Baptism, the priest're to himself" Everyone at home can do the Lord's Supper. without a pastor. Supper is between you and God, not between you and the pastor or church.