The moral law or ceremonial?

Does the Sabbath belongs to the moral law or ceremonial?

My dear friend, perhaps it will be shocking for you but you ought to accept the news that the Israelites in the Old Testament did not know of such a division. The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles show even a way of thinking of the Old Testament.

Mar. 7:5
(5): So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, "Why don't your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with 'unclean' hands?"

Act. 21:20-21
(20): When they heard this, they praised God. Then they said to Paul: "You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous for the law. (21): They have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or live according to our customs.

Teaching elders and the law of Moses. Rights rabbinical or those hundreds of additional provisions. Into the law of Moses which included all the provisions both moral laws, ritual, state, customary. No one in the Old Testament does not wondered - moral or ceremonial. For example Levirate marriage law about marriage with a sister in law, is it moral or ceremonial recipe? then they treated it all as one right.

But come the New Testament in which many moral truths from the Old Testament today is no longer binding on Christians. These include - days uncleanness women after childbirth. Days impurity during menstruation. There were also seven years Sabbaths, rest for the land. It is a moral law. And today is not applicable and no one respects. There were Sabbaths jubilee in which debts were discontinued, dismissed from slavery. they are moral rules which today does not exist. The division into moral and ceremonial law is imperfect. And what about polygamy in the Old Testament. God said to David, that He gave him wifes and He would gave for him more wifes /2Sam.12,8./. What law would you discribe for it. - moral or ceremonial? Today, polygamy is prohibited by Christians. A circumcision ?. It was before the rise of the priesthood and the temple but became part of the Old Covenant, just and slavery. God has given moral laws of the cities to escape and the moral law not exist today.

The division into moral and ceremonial law came into being only in Christianity in the eighteenth century. Churches chose the law of Moses the laws which they fit for them. Tithing in the Old Testament was with corn, olive, animals and everything that was born in the field. Today's pastors gather only money. Nobody turns into monay chickens and cows on tithing. Donating tithe of mint and dill, because everything is subject to the tithe. Jesus did not condemn such a donation but there is no justice in their case. Tithing is a ceremonial law, because it was for the Levites and the temple.

Łuk. 11,42
(42): "Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.

5 Moj. 14:22-23
(22): Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year. (23): Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the LORD your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the LORD your God always.

They are told that it is only right moralne.Dziesięcina was for the Levites and the maintenance of the temple and everything that belongs to the temple and the Levites is the ceremonial law. God said:

4 Moj. 18:21
(21): "I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the Tent of Meeting.

Where are today Levites? They got tithe because they did not get land allocation. 10 generations gave of 10 percent and they had the 100%. In the New Testament there is no Levite priesthood because it is spiritual. If someone refers to the fact that it was before Sinai, it was the same animal sacrifice and circumcision, but entered these rights in the covenant of Sinai. Today, they do not apply. Are animals clean and unclean is the right moral or ceremonial? Both! Because they were not allowed to eat them. /moral/. They could not be submitted to the sacrifices. /ceremonial/. Israelite did not treat separately the 10 Commandments as the moral and the other as a ritual for them, it was the law of Moses. The Sabbath is not only rest but the double sacrifices in the temple, concerned both laws.

The New Covenant is based on the spirit and not the letter of the law, does that mean that the provisions of the Old Testament ceased to exist and there began the rules of the New Testament? no! The law changed literal form in the spiritual, there was a Levitical priesthood is now the spiritual priesthood of all believers, whether the priesthood no longer lives? Oh no! Exists. Submission of victims were in the Old Testament was a literal and now it is spiritual.

Hebr. 13:15
(15): Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise the fruit of lips that confess his name.

(5): you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

We give the sacrifice of the Son of God who died for us on Calvary, we give it to God as an atonement for our sin and, on this basis, God in heaven forgives us. In the Old Testament temple was made of stones in the New Testament is a spiritual temple. "Your bodies are the temple. are the temple of the living God "1Kor.6,19 tithe was literal so what is it now? As a pastor Hagin said, "when I look at the provisions of the Old Covenant I wonder how they sound in the New Covenant"

The New Testament does not know the division between moral law and ceremonial knows the division into literal and spiritual.

Rom. 7:6
(6): But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.

The following example shows us the difference between life according to the law and life according to the Spirit. "Son and father attended the same church. together they sang songs. They prayed together. together they supported the poor of the parish. During the year, neither one nor the other did not exceed any of the ten commandments. The difference was that father sang from the heart, and prayed, because he felt such a desire and enjoyed when he could help the poor. Son while - sang songs because his father did it, but in his heart he'd rather be with his friends and drink beer. Son prayed and gave gifts, because he lived in his father's house and so had a duty, although he would prefer to spend that time at the disco. Both completed the 10 commandments, both not violated the law, both of whom have become faithful followers of the church, one live according to the Spirit and the other by law. The father here is a symbol of life according to the New Covenant, and the son of the Old.

The prophecy of Anna

I like the prophecy of Anna Chojnacka of 2011. Although I do not know who he is and I do not care, but the message they received, convinced me. I dedicate it to everyone Adventists, because he says what is life in the spirit.

"God said he abhors my prayer and my reading of the Word of God, I listen to? It was not pleasant. before my eyes, I had a lot of people who do not pray. "Abhor them not only to loathe me," God told me "do you do with your own justice." God, but what you mean? I am proud that I have a time every morning that I open the Word of God, I pray I have these half-hour, I have put together a time with God, but God was not the point that abhors reading the Word of God, but about the attitude of heart that I'm doing it with haste and self-righteousness and pride, and asked me, "or whatever you call your husband is also to be included in that today you call", I do not, I'm calling to him because I love him, not because I have to, but I have such a need, and God said, "I want you to have the same need when talking to me" .- God care about me talking to him then when I can devote his time, not those half an hour proudly saved in the calendar.

The next thing God told me is that if I go to church for meetings that I do it because I have to, it is better to me there did not go because I'm so rooted in it that I should go to church, so this is my tradition, and such my life I'm going because I can not be no meeting. God says that he does not like my attitude and my thinking, He wants me to go to church so I could meet with the saints, draw from the saints. With God I have a contact at home. I dreamed that God came to me and said "that you're cool, so I'm proud of you, and these thy prayers are for me the oil," but somehow I do not have the grace of God. I say what is in my heart, I want God with all your heart and what he said was very difficult at times but it was beautiful. Now when I get up in the morning and I pray that I know is now before a holy God, I do not want to hurry, I want to read His Word. Not because I for myself have assigned reading, just like I was reading a letter from her husband. God is so holy and powerful and loves me unconditionally. God does not want our scourging, He wants us to understand that he really is a saint.

God says, "I have against thee by your tongue, for mourning, lamentation, speaking ill, I have it wrong, how many times I complain and whine and God does not like it. Stood before me an angel with a drawn sword, as it is done with a sword held him cross in front of him with both hands. Angel asked poles or go with him on a victory parade .. I knew what God has planned for our nation. God showed me that it's time to march and announcement of victory because the enemy is running away from God. God invites us to this victory march. To believe that God is a winner. God has the power to do everything. "

Laws Before Sinai

What some relying on that before Sinai was given the tithe, and the example of Abraham but remember before Sinai offered sacrifices of animals and was circumcision and neither one us is not applicable. God declared him right in the Sinai application of the rules. Such as Passover. It was in Egypt before it was officially announced as one of the Sinai Covenant rights. Before Israel came out of captivity God has declared that all the firstborn belong to him, on this basis was the last plague, killing the firstborn in Egypt.

Our problem lies in the fact that they themselves without a warrant of Scripture We did a division laws of the covenant. The Old Covenant apply from Mount Sinai and involves administered of rights. Before Mount Sinai were universal rights and apply to us. This is not true. Some of the provisions previously in force, such as law morality, not kill, Do not steal, existed from the very beginning because Cain was condemned for killing Abel, there was a right "do not kill"

The covenant with Abraham is based on promises and not on legislation. The covenant with Israel is based on the provisions. The New Covenant is based on the blood of Christ, not on law, not on promises. From the days of Adam were right know that when God speaks of Abraham and long before Sinai

1 Moj. 26:5
(5): because Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws."

The same that became part of the Sinai Covenant. That means sacrifices, circumcision, the moral law . The covenant with Abraham was concluded with Abraham. Sinai covenant was concluded with Israel. Not with the Arabs not with the Moabites, Poles or Greeks. Christ's covenant concluded with all the world because it do not specify the person or nation. The law changed the form to the spiritual but not ceased to exist. Circumcision in the New Testament as the circumcision of the heart and not the body. Sacrifice of Christ is for us and not an animal. Is there a tithe. Yes! In a spiritual sense, not literal. If your heart is not sincere, God will not accept any gifts. who gives a tithe due to the texts of the Old Testament alive the previous covenant with Israel.

Do you currently can follow two covenants. No! forbids it the Word of God. In Gal.4 it is written that Abraham had two sons. with free and slave and it is a symbol of the two Covenants, Old and New

Gal. 4:24
(24): These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar.

and the summary is such:

Gal. 4:30
(30): But what does the Scripture say? "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son."

So the Old Covenant will not inherit together with the New Covenant. You can not live according to the letter of the law and the letter of the spirit.

Moral Law of Old Testament
This is not applied in the SDA




Quarantine - 3Moj.12

30 days after childbirth of a boy. Woman was impurity , and 60 days after the birth of a girl



Menstruation 3Moj.15

The ban on human contact for 7 days



Food 3Moj.3,17

The ban on the consumption of animal fats



Shabbat 3Moj.25,3-4

Szabaty 7 years – rest for the land



Quarantine 3Moj.13,50

Isolation of infectious patients and infected objects


Quarantine 4Moj.19,11

After touching the deceased separation for 7 days


The burning daughters for prostitution 3Moj.21,9



The killing of a son who is a drunkard and a glutton




God allowed for polygamy 5Moj.21,15



Debt relief 3Moj.25


The order of marriage with brother's wife. 5 Moj.25,5



God allowed slavery 3 Moj.25,44.46



Do not go to the army after the wedding in one year
5Moj. 24.5



The ban on marriage with Gentiles Ezd.10






Adventists claim to in force their moral laws of the Old Testament. Here is a list of moral laws which are no longer in force or the Adventists do not apply today. They chose for himself some moral laws of the Old Testament

In the New Testament we live by the Spirit and not the letter of the law

(6) But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that That Which We were bound, so That we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.

If the law is spiritual, that we do not need to use them literally, or use the moral laws of the Old Testament, but the Adventists say that we must  apply the moral laws of the Old Testament. / list above /