
Because of the large volume of e-mail that we receive daily, we have asked for help from individuals that are very informed on the subjects listed. Select the subject and click on the person with whom you wish to correspond.

Former member of Worldwide Church of God and has a degree in Divinity from Ambassador College (never Adventist).
Church/Body of Christ
Former Adventist pastor and academy Bible teacher. Founder of Life Assurance Ministries and Proclamation! magazine.
Former Adventist with a B.A. in English from Pacific Union College, 1970; M.A. in educational administration, from Andrews University, 1977.
The Great Controversy
New Birth/Human Spirit
Former Adventist, taught English and music in Adventism, formerly managing editor of Adventist Today, now Editor of Proclamation! magazine.
Adventist Institutions

Website Concerns (errors, formatting, etc.)
Educated from 1st grade through college in Adventist schools, worked for Pacific Union Conference, The Quiet Hour, and Loma Linda University. Now with Life Assurance Ministries.

Other related sites

Proclamation Magazine

By Life Assurance Ministries
Blog, online magazine, studies, and more.
Former Adventist Fellowship
By Richard and Colleen Tinker—former Adventists
Forum, stories, Bible studies, annual Former Adventist Conferences.

LAM Publications
By Dale Ratzlaff—former Adventist pastor
Many books about Ellen White and Adventism, some are out of print.

By Jennifer & Joe Rector—former Adventists.

By J. Mark Martin—former Adventist pastor.. 

By Cherry Brandstater—former Adventist.

One Flock Ministries
By Greg Taylor—former Adventist pastor.
