I was a Pastor of Seventh Day Adventist

Who are Seventh-day Adventists? I know that this study will be read by people who do not know Adventists,  I've heard about them and someone told me about them. On the Internet there are many myths about Adventists and you have to be careful what you read. As the author of this report I have perfect knowledge about Adventists. I spent 25 years among them, in their youth I came to the Teological School for Pastors in Podkowa, in Poland, after it I was accepted the work in the church as a pastor. So my dear friend, I know what I'm writing. My goal is not spitting Adventists but a sober look at who I was and what was my way of thinking.Who I am and where I live it is not important. I want to talk about church and God and not about myself. .

Many who leave this Church becomes his enemies, attacking, point out human error, show the human sins are sowers of hatred and gossip. I feel sorry for these people because they are not followers of God, for attacking and hating they serve for the devil and they think that they are doing a good job, after all, You ought to tell the truth about Adventists. There is only one way to serve God and it consists in the love of the people of these friendly and those who are your enemies. If you attack, you are ridiculing it where it is to love our enemies? Love covers sins and do not show it all around. Does God tells everyone around about your sins, makes fun of your beliefs errors. And you're doing something like someone imitating? Certainly not God.

A few words about me

Most people believe in the word pastor. Because he is a spiritual man, after school, and he knows that on a doctrinal differences churches. If he tells me that the Catholic That the Church has removed the second commandment, and there is no longer in the catechism it Pastor knows what he says. He is telling the truth. If he says that the Catholic Church does not have a priesthood of believers. If he says that in 538 the Ostrogoths power ceased to exist. I do not have to check the history books, because I count on the reliability pastor. I said that most believe what he says the pastor, especially in matters of historical dates is very easy to check the date because both me and the pastor are based on the same history books, it has no additional resources, beyond publicly available.
On the official site of a well-known Adventist pastors he said.

"I often seek out different materials from the Adwent.pl, Trans-European Division parties or the General Conference. Some, it seems that after so many years of work in the Church should know everything ... Unfortunately I do not know anything!"

This does not mean that he has to know everything, it means that you have to have limited confidence in what they say pastors. 

For 4 years I attended the Seminary in Podkowa City of the Adventist Church, and then became a pastor, preacher and advocate of the theory that I was taught in school. None of us students not undermined words Seminary teacher - a pastor and nobody checked the credibility of the story. Over the next four years God taught me back in theology and in detail the rule of faith on the basis of faith. But God also discovering me the truth taught me love. His message was "you can not fight on arguments because your goal is to bring truth and love to all those who go astray and not to sow doubt and uncertainty, not by bank transfer its bitterness to others, because God is love and He builds others, and makes no arguing about theories.

My goal is to show you God's way and His character rather than theory churches, the goal is to live without sin in purity and not religious philosophy developed by pastors and priests. From you, my friend, it depends on whether you read these pages looking for the proverbial hook for Adventists or you'll be looking for a better understanding, a deeper knowledge of the truths of God. I'm not going to dig Adventists, and if I disagree with something I can say why I don't agree, I want to present the truth  not show my wisdom. So I hope you understood me. People often by person and his appearance evaluate the truth and this is a mistake. So focus on the arguments. So let me explain to you how the mechanism of control over people in churches is so psychologically conditioned to have control over someone and the authorities need your personal information. What is the membership of the church? And no that someone gives personal data and the pastor or priest enters the person on your list called the book congregations book of the parish or how it there otherwise was called, and has a sense that he belong to him, The cleric has authority over him. I will not give such joy to anyone.


My data

My name is Felix was born in Poland, near Katowice, where I spent the first 20 years of life, I was worked in England and for 10 years I lived in Warsaw. 10 years I lived near Lodz City, and a few years I lived next to Gdansk. and it has nothing to do with the churches where I served. I know that it is saying nothing about me to much. but many look at who you are, not on what you wrote, that on your message look, through the eyes of your personality function, position. I depend on that to get the message. I do not want put myself on a pedestal. When you show yourself, they read through who you are, and I really would not I want to say, so understand my point of view. Who am I? I am servant of Jesus Christ,
The book "The Way to Christ" would be one of the most popular books among the Protestant churches If it had on the cover the name of Billy Graham and not Ellen White. Under the contents of the book would sign every pastor of a Baptist or Pentecostal. But we all see who wrote it and not what he wrote.


For example

Who are you ?
My name is John Smith and I live in Warsaw?
Is it something you say? no!

Therefore, if you want to know somethink more about me you have to read ma pages It say you about me evrything. It will shows for your my way of thinking, Well, unless you prefer John Smith from Warsaw